Charts: Lists

This page shows you the list charts. By default, the movies are ordered by how many times they have been marked as a favorite. However, you can also sort by other information, such as the total number of times it has been marked as a dislike.

  1. IMDb's History Top 50's icon

    IMDb's History Top 50

    Favs/dislikes: 149:5. A genre of film that deals with a major historical event and the actual historical figures involved in it. Often great liberties are taken with the facts to facilitate a 2-hour running time or a particular political agenda. These films pay a great deal of attention to re-creating events that live mostly in our memories or in textbooks. Earlier historical films tended to concentrate on eras and political figures who were far from the present and put little emphasis on undermining the accepted mythologies of history. Some films dealing with historical past would fall into some other genres and types: westerns, musicals, fantasy, war dramas, biographies, etc.
  2. IMDb's Musical Top 50's icon

    IMDb's Musical Top 50

    Favs/dislikes: 149:8. Musical/dance films are cinematic forms that emphasize full-scale scores or song and dance routines in a significant way (usually with a musical or dance performance integrated as part of the film narrative), or they are films that are centered on combinations of music, dance, song or choreography. Major subgenres include the musical comedy or the concert film.
  3. IMDb's Documentary Top 50's icon

    IMDb's Documentary Top 50

    Favs/dislikes: 148:15. Strictly speaking, documentary films are non-fictional, factual works of art. Originally, the earliest documentaries were either short newsreels, instructional pictures, or travelogues (termed actualities) without any creative story-telling or staging. But they have branched out and taken many forms, and have sometimes become propagandistic and non-objective. Mockumentaries are comedic parodies of documentaries. Some documentaries have been considered propagandistic.
  4. IMDb's 1940s Top 50's icon

    IMDb's 1940s Top 50

    Favs/dislikes: 145:5. The early years of the 40s decade were not promising for the American film industry, however, Hollywood film production rebounded and reached its profitable peak of efficiency during the years 1943 to 1946. Advances in film technology (sound recording, lighting, special effects, cinematography and use of color) meant that films were more watchable and 'modern'. The films themselves took on a more realistic rather than escapist tone, as they had done during the Depression years of the 30s. The 40s also were the decade that saw the birth of a new genre in film noir ("black film") pared with the revival of gangster films.
  5. IMDb's Romance Top 50's icon

    IMDb's Romance Top 50

    Favs/dislikes: 144:9. A sub-genre for the most part, this category shares some features with romantic dramas, romantic comedies, and sexual/erotic films. These are love stories, or affairs of the heart that center on passion, emotion, and the romantic, affectionate involvement of the main characters (usually a leading man and lady), and the journey that their love takes through courtship or marriage. Romance films make the love story the main plot focus.
  6. IMDb's 1960s Top 50's icon

    IMDb's 1960s Top 50

    Favs/dislikes: 137:4. Cinema in the 1960s reflected the decade of fun, fashion, rock 'n' roll, tremendous social changes and transitional cultural values. It was not a good decade for US films, as production declined and foreign films gained tremenduous influence. British cinema in particular flourished as it released a number of films that used a new wave of grim, non-fictional, social realism, dubbed or styled "Kitchen Sink" due to its angry, every-day working-class heroes, frank dialogue, and negative post-war themes. However, countries like Japan, Italy and France also claimed their spots in the forefront of cinema.
  7. IMDb's Biography Top 50's icon

    IMDb's Biography Top 50

    Favs/dislikes: 128:4. Biopics' is a term derived from the combination of the words "biography" and "pictures." They are a sub-genre of the larger drama and epic film genres, and although they reached a hey-day of popularity in the 1930s, they are still prominent to this day. These films depict the life of an important historical personage (or group) from the past or present era. Biopics cross many genre types, since these films might showcase a western outlaw, a criminal, a musical composer, a religious figure, a war-time hero, an entertainer, an artist, an inventor or doctor, a politician or President, or an adventurer.
  8. IMDb's 1930s Top 50's icon

    IMDb's 1930s Top 50

    Favs/dislikes: 127:6. The 1930s decade has been nostalgically labeled "The Golden Age of Hollywood" (although most of the output of the decade was black-and-white). The 30s was also the decade of the sound and color revolutions and the advance of the 'talkies', and the further development of film genres (gangster films, musicals, newspaper-reporting films, historical biopics, social-realism films, lighthearted screwball comedies, westerns and horror to name a few). It was the era in which the silent period ended, with many silent film stars not making the transition to sound. It was in the 30s that Disney produced the first feature-length animated film, an animation hallmark.
  9. IMDb's 1950s Top 50's icon

    IMDb's 1950s Top 50

    Favs/dislikes: 126:5. In the period following WWII when most of the films were idealized with conventional portrayals of men and women, young people wanted new and exciting symbols of rebellion. Hollywood responded to audience demands through the rise of the anti-hero and anti-heroines, with Marlon Brando, James Dean and Marilyn Monroe being the main stars. Studios tried to counter the rise of television through all sorts of (mostly failed) inventions like 3-D, Smell-O-Vision, and cinerama. Risks were taken with lavish, overstated, spectacular epics and musicals.
  10. IMDb's 1920s Top 50's icon

    IMDb's 1920s Top 50

    Favs/dislikes: 122:5. The 1920s were an innovative decade in which both "talkies" and color films made their first appearance. Film became so popular that the first real stars arose in the persons of Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford. A lot of European stars were imported during the 20s, such as Fritz Lang and Greta Garbo. That was not all Europe had to offer as German Expressionism became an influential artistic movement. The most popular genres were swashbucklers, historical extravaganzas and melodramas. The greatest output of films was actually in the 1920s and 1930s, which was made possible by the studios' factory-like production system.
  11. IMDb's Music Top 50's icon

    IMDb's Music Top 50

    Favs/dislikes: 104:7. Music films contain music performances by the cast, but necessarily not with a focus on a full-scale scores or song and dance routines (for which the musical genre exists). A music film may even be a concert recording.
  12. IMDb's Sport Top 50's icon

    IMDb's Sport Top 50

    Favs/dislikes: 94:8. Films that have a sports setting (football or baseball stadium, arena, or the Olympics, etc.), event (the 'big game,' 'fight,' 'race,' or 'competition'), and/or athlete (boxer, racer, surfer, etc.) that are central and predominant in the story. Sports films may be fictional or non-fictional; and they are a hybrid sub-genre category, although they are often dramas or comedy films, and occasionally documentaries or biopics.
  13. IMDb's 1910s Top 50's icon

    IMDb's 1910s Top 50

    Favs/dislikes: 87:7. Movies really started making an impact in the 1910s, with audiences demanding more complicated plots and more information on the stars. This led to the rise of the great studios and the construction of many movie theaters. It was also a decade of innovation, with both the technology and the medium itself. D.W. Griffith's epic Birth of a Nation in particular helped film-making make a giant leap forward. The most popular genres were westerns, melodramas and slapstick comedies.
  14. IMDb's Mini-Series Top 50's icon

    IMDb's Mini-Series Top 50

    Favs/dislikes: 87:18. The term "miniseries" is used to refer to a single finite story told in separately broadcast episodes. Before the term was coined, such a form was always called a "serial", in the same way that a novel appearing in episodes in successive editions of magazines or newspapers is called a serial.
  15. IMDB Most Voted's icon

    IMDB Most Voted

    Favs/dislikes: 66:1. The top 1000 most voted-for movies at the IMDB.
  16. IMDb Bottom 100's icon

    IMDb Bottom 100

    Favs/dislikes: 44:5. The 100 lowest rated films on IMDb.
  17. 2012 in Film's icon

    2012 in Film

    Favs/dislikes: 43:4. Referenced to IMDb releases of the year(there's no direct link to all in one source). * Based on U.S. theatrical releases(re-release) only. * Excludes: Shorts, direct-to-DVD, and films without an IMDb page. * Sorted by release date(Jan->Dec).
  18. IMDB's Top 250 TV Shows's icon

    IMDB's Top 250 TV Shows

    Favs/dislikes: 35:0. Top 250 TV beta As voted by regular IMDb users
  19. 2011 in Film's icon

    2011 in Film

    Favs/dislikes: 32:1. Referenced to IMDb releases of the year. * Based on U.S. theatrical releases(re-release) only. * Excludes: Shorts, direct-to-DVD, and films without an IMDb page. * Sorted by release date(Jan->Dec).
  20. 2013 in Film's icon

    2013 in Film

    Favs/dislikes: 31:0. Referenced to IMDb releases of the year(there's no direct link to all in one source). * Based on U.S. theatrical releases(re-release) only. * Excludes: Shorts, direct-to-DVD, and films without an IMDb page. * Presorted by release date(Jan->Dec).
  21. Animated shorts: Top 500's icon

    Animated shorts: Top 500

    Favs/dislikes: 29:2.
  22. IMDb Top 1000 (Alternative version: Min. vote 1000)'s icon

    IMDb Top 1000 (Alternative version: Min. vote 1000)

    Favs/dislikes: 29:1. This is a custom-made Top 1000 based on IMDb ratings. The current Top 1000 uses a minimum vote of 25000 which makes it heavily biased towards the later decades. Films from 2015 are excluded. Last updated: 8/10/2015
  23. IMDB Top250 Full Recurrence's icon

    IMDB Top250 Full Recurrence

    Favs/dislikes: 28:0. 132 movies that are on the IMDB Top250 list since the beginning of the list or since the movie has been released.
  24. The Most Popular Movies From the 90s's icon

    The Most Popular Movies From the 90s

    Favs/dislikes: 28:0. This is a list of the ten most voted movies on IMDb from each year in the 1990's. It gives another perspective than the list with the highest ratings. You could call it more of a popularity contest than a quality contest.
  25. IMDB Top 1000 on Netflix Instant Watch's icon

    IMDB Top 1000 on Netflix Instant Watch

    Favs/dislikes: 27:1. All the movies on the IMDB top 1000 which are currently available on Netflix Instant Watch. This list used iCM user's lampadatriste IMDB top 1000 list as a base source.
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Showing items 26 – 50 of 158