Charts: Lists

This page shows you the list charts. By default, the movies are ordered by how many times they have been marked as a favorite. However, you can also sort by other information, such as the total number of times it has been marked as a dislike.


  1. The Film Stage’s Top 50 Films of the Decade (So Far)'s icon

    The Film Stage’s Top 50 Films of the Decade (So Far)

    Favs/dislikes: 6:0. A list of the best films from the first half of the third milleniums second decade — according to the film site
  2. The Pendragon 100 Greatest Films of the 2000s's icon

    The Pendragon 100 Greatest Films of the 2000s

    Favs/dislikes: 6:0. The greatest films of the 2000s selected by
  3. Complex's The 100 Best Films of the Complex Decade's icon

    Complex's The 100 Best Films of the Complex Decade

    Favs/dislikes: 5:0. Complaining about the film world’s lack of originality and daringness would feel shameful if it wasn’t so damn easy to find reasons to grumble. And the last 10 years, which have seen a multitude of trends come and go, A-list movie stars continually fail to open non-franchise movies, and the box office dominance of one Harry Potter, have given us plenty reasons to criticize. For instance, we’d need at least four hands to count the number of lifeless and inept horror remakes that genre fans have been assaulted with, and you know it’s slow creatively in Hollywood when Spider-Man gets completely rebooted (with this summer’s The Amazing Spider-Man) a mere five years after a $337-million-earning sequel (2007’s Spider-Man 3). As you can tell, though, it’s a celebration around the Complex offices these days, after 10 years doin' it, and doin' it well, and when it came time to reflect upon the films that best represent our brand’s decade-long run, one fact became clear: For all of the whining movie purists do these days, those of us who painstakingly seek out quality over instant accessibility have more cause for elation than bitching. Thanks to names like Judd Apatow, David Fincher, Daniel Day-Lewis, and Joel and Ethan Coen, as well as sick genre purveyors from countries such as France and Spain, the last 10 years have collectively been catnip for us reel folks. See for yourselves as we count down The 100 Best Movies Of The Complex Decade. (Complex Magazine)
  4. Tim Robey's Top 100 Films of the 2000s's icon

    Tim Robey's Top 100 Films of the 2000s

    Favs/dislikes: 5:0. All the other end-of-decade lists we've done for the Telegraph have been groping for a consensus, trying to determine which works of art and cultural moments made the biggest splash in the culture. This is a very different list. It's purely one critic's picks: 100 favourite films from the ten years. There are blockbusters, thoroughly obscure conceptual documentaries, and a bit of everything in between. I haven't been shy about including lesser-known films, partly because the best thing lists can do is encourage people to make new discoveries -- almost everything here is available on DVD somewhere. Bear in mind that these aren't the "defining" films of the Noughties, the most important, or even necessarily the best. They're simply the ones I liked the most. Without further ado... nb: one film is missing, Les Petites Vacances (2006) doesn't exist in this site.
  5. 10 Best Hindi Films of The Decade (2000-2009)'s icon

    10 Best Hindi Films of The Decade (2000-2009)

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0. Film critic Sudhish Kamath (of The Hindu) ranks the 10 best Hindi films made in the first decade of the 21st century.
  6. Channel24 Top Movies of the 2000s's icon

    Channel24 Top Movies of the 2000s

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0. Channel24 is the largest entertainment news website in South Africa. In the end of the aughts, they asked African moviegoers to made Best of Decade list.Here's how the voting for South Africa's favourite movie of the decade went:
  7. Geekspace's The Best Films of the 2000s ( 2+ Votes )'s icon

    Geekspace's The Best Films of the 2000s ( 2+ Votes )

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0. We may not be sure what to call the last decade (“Noughties” and “Oughties” are both ridiculous and popular, apparently), but it sure did have a lot of movies. Geekscapists all over were throwing down their hard-earned dollars throughout the last ten years, and at last, it’s time to put their mouths where their money is… or possibly “are.” Here are their Best Movies of the Decade!!! This list is based on votes by 6 entertainment staff of geekspace ( William Bibbiani, Ivan Kander, Connor S.Che, Nar Williams, Martin Scherer, Eric A.Diaz )
  8. Online Film Critics Society: The Best Films of 2000-2009 (2+ votes)'s icon

    Online Film Critics Society: The Best Films of 2000-2009 (2+ votes)

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0. an oldest website of OFCS published their members list about “What are the best films of the decade 2000-2009?” 1 to 4 =5 mentions 5 =4 mentions 6 to 9 = 3 mentions 10 to 21 = 2 mentions
  9. The Oregonian: top films of the decade's icon

    The Oregonian: top films of the decade

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0. The top films of the 2000s chosen by Oregonian film critic's Shawn Levy.
  10. Watch Mojo: Top 10 Horror Movies per Decade's icon

    Watch Mojo: Top 10 Horror Movies per Decade

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0. The Top 10 Horror Movies per decade, 1920s-1950s to 2000s, per From these lists, WatchMojo named the "Top 10 Horror Movies of All Time": 1. Psycho 2. The Exorcist 3. The Shining 4. Halloween 5. Dracula 6. Night of the Living Dead 7. A Nightmare on Elm Street 8. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 9. Rosemary's Baby 10. Friday the 13th
  11. Den of Geek: Top 10 Films of the 2000s's icon

    Den of Geek: Top 10 Films of the 2000s

    Favs/dislikes: 3:0. Let’s just have a quick note on the list before we start. Once again, objectivity is key. This is not, as far as possible, my own personal top ten favourite films of the decade. More the ten films I think have defined the decade in one way or another. Criteria for inclusion included a film that stood out ahead of its field, were of particular cultural impact, importance and influence, or just damn-fine examples of filmmaking. And, of course, only one per franchise. (Den of Geek's Editor)
  12. Hitfix: Drew McWeeny's The 50 Best Films Of 2000 - 2009's icon

    Hitfix: Drew McWeeny's The 50 Best Films Of 2000 - 2009

    Favs/dislikes: 3:0. Okay... making a ten best list was fun, especially since I got to technically cram in 25 films. That was all for one year, 2009, which was a darn fine year of film overall, if not one for the record books. That list, though, was just a warm-up for the big list, in which we break down the 50 best films of the past ten years. Yes, calendar nerds. I know. In your reality, all decades refer to something starting a year that ends in a 1. But I am not talking about an astronomically-calculated decade. I'm talking about the period of ten years that started on January 1, 2000, and which will end in about eight days. That's the decade we're looking at, and that pretty much every sane person on the planet understands as a given in this conversation. There's a top ten, and I'm surprised how quickly it shook itself out. I feel pretty strongly about it, too. The others on the list were grouped and regrouped and regrouped, and finally I feel like the list represents a real x-ray of the decade, and what kept me engaged over the last ten years. Because let's face it... anyone who really loves movies could look at the last ten years of film on the surface and be stricken with a crippling despair. The studios are, more than ever, churning out garbage that defies description. The trend to remake the remakes of the remakes while also rebooting the sequel to the prequels to the reimagining of the homage is enough to make you wish celluloid had never been invented. You have to look deeper than that into the last ten years, and you have to consider just how many really remarkable films have come out, and from how many different countries and cultures, and then maybe it's easier to get your head around just how many good things we've been gifted with in the last decade. For most of that time, I was working and writing at Ain't It Cool News, and many of my writings about the decade are still archived there under my pen name "Moriarty." For the last year, though, I've been right here, slowly figuring out what to do with Motion/Captured and how to make it special for you guys. It feels like writing this list puts a big chapter of my professional life to bed, even as I work to make this next chapter great. I look forward to adding new features like video reviews and audio podcasts to the rotation in 2010, and expanding on the things you guys enjoy already like Film Nerd 2.0. The one thing I'll say before we start this list is that if you're going to get hung up on what's not on the list, you probably shouldn't read it. I've gotten e-mails and comments about how my 2009 list is wrong because "The Hurt Locker" isn't on it, and if I dare respond, then suddenly people get extra-touchy. Just because other critics like something or love something or give awards to something... that doesn't matter to me. Never has. Lists are personal. That's the point. I'm not about to tell you what the 50 best films of the last decade are in any empirical sense... all I can do is tell you what films resonated the most for me, and which films I'll personally return to the most. If there are films you feel strongly about, I'd love to hear why they're important TO YOU... but don't scream at me because they don't mean the same thing to me. That's not a conversation. Lists should only ever be considered a jumping-off point for a larger conversation about where we agree and where we don't, and if approached correctly, that can be huge fun. Let's keep that in mind, okay? (Drew McWeeny)
  13. Watch Mojo: Top 10 Action Movies per Decade's icon

    Watch Mojo: Top 10 Action Movies per Decade

    Favs/dislikes: 3:0. The Top 10 Action Movies per decade, 1970s to 2000s, per
  14. Watch Mojo: Top 10 Movies per Decade's icon

    Watch Mojo: Top 10 Movies per Decade

    Favs/dislikes: 3:0. The Top 10 Movies per decade, 1920s to 2000s, per From these lists, WatchMojo named the "Top 10 Movies of All Time": 1. The Godfather 2. Citizen Kane 3. Pulp Fiction 4. Psycho 5. The Empire Strikes Back 6. The Dark Knight 7. The Shawshank Redemption 8. Gone With the Wind 9. The Wizard of Oz 10. Apocalypse Now
  15. Cynicritics's Our Belated Best Movies of the 2000s's icon

    Cynicritics's Our Belated Best Movies of the 2000s

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. The Best Movies of 2000s was selected by web of
  16. Film Book: The Top Films of the Decade's icon

    Film Book: The Top Films of the Decade

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. Film Book's editor Rollo Tomasi selected the best films of the 2000s.
  17. Movie Mezzanine - History of Film: The Best Films of Each Decade's icon

    Movie Mezzanine - History of Film: The Best Films of Each Decade

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. Movie Mezzanine selected the best films from 1970s to the 2000s, based on ballots by all staff and readers.


    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. Movieplayer is italian film site, they picked the best movies of the decade at the end of year 2009 Si conclude la prima parte dei Movieplayer Awards e da domani si parte con la seconda fase, durante la quale i lettori sceglieranno i migliori film e le prove più convincenti, tra quelle in nomination. Intanto pubblichiamo la lista dei dieci migliori film del decennio dei lettori: al primo posto c'è il primo capitolo del Signore degli anelli. ( P.S They count The Lord of the Rings and Kill Bill as one film.
  19. The Film Stage: Top 100 Films of the Decade's icon

    The Film Stage: Top 100 Films of the Decade

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. Here the top 100 films of the decade 2000s (2000-2009) selected by The Film Stage.
  20. Times of India: Top 20 Bollywood Films of the Decade's icon

    Times of India: Top 20 Bollywood Films of the Decade

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. Times of India movie critic Avijit Ghosh trawled over 1,000 Hindi films made in the last 10 years (2000-2009) to pick 20 that best capture the changing times. If you haven't seen these yet, get the popcorn out this weekend...
  21. Top 100 Tuesday: 100 Best Movies of the Decade's icon

    Top 100 Tuesday: 100 Best Movies of the Decade

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. A list by Here are their collective top 100 films of the past decade (2000s).
  22. Al Alexander's Best Films of the 2000s's icon

    Al Alexander's Best Films of the 2000s

    Favs/dislikes: 1:0. Al Alexander is film critic from The Patriot Ledger and also one of reviewer in Rotten Tommatoes
  23. Alex Simon's The Best Films of the Decade 2000s's icon

    Alex Simon's The Best Films of the Decade 2000s

    Favs/dislikes: 1:0. Alex has been a lifelong cinemaniac, since seeing Charles Chaplin's City Lights (1931), at the age of five. Following graduation from The University of Southern California's School of Cinema-Television, Alex had six screenplays produced as major motion pictures, the last of which, My Brother's War (1997), won the Best Feature prize at the first annual Hollywood Film Festival in 1998. Alex served as Editor-In-Chief of "Venice Magazine", Los Angeles' premiere arts and entertainment publication, from 2000-2007. Since 2007, Alex has served as Co-Editor of "The Hollywood" with Terry Keefe, and has several film projects in pre-production under his "Wanderer Productions" banner.
  24. Bill Gibron's The 10 Best Films of the Decade (2000 - 2009)'s icon

    Bill Gibron's The 10 Best Films of the Decade (2000 - 2009)

    Favs/dislikes: 1:0. Bill Gibron is a writer and film critic for popmatters. He wrote the 10 best films of decade in the end of 2009. Here his about that description for the list: Talk about tough! Even if this wasn’t a full time job, taking up as much of one’s life as any career plus concept of entertainment could, trying to pick out ten titles from an equal number of years is almost impossible. It’s not like television, which tends to keep its beloved entities on the air long enough to make a memorable impact. It’s also not like music, which can play in the background of one’s life sometimes decades after release. No, movies demand attention. They require patience and perspective. They are the most unique of artforms because they come at you complete. You can love a particular band or album even with one or two clunkers among the set list. No TV show is ever going to be 100% funny/dramatic/thrilling/thought-provoking all the time. But film doesn’t dignify such flaws. Instead, it amplifies them, destroying brilliant direction, excellent acting, or superb storytelling along the way. Naturally, this creates a kind of cinematic standard, a benchmark by which we measure both the good and the bad. And yet, going back over the near 3500 entries for possible inclusion here (figure it out - that’s 350 per year, or almost one a day for the last decade…and yes, I did watch each and every one, be they theatrical or on DVD) is still a mammoth undertaking, one that gears itself noticeably toward the most recent viewing experiences. Indeed, a lot of lists out there currently offer pickings from 2007 - 2009 almost exclusively, making you wonder if these so called experts even saw anything prior to the second Bush Administration. Add in the almost infinite and exhaustive “honorable mentions” and you’ve got a pointless combination of limited perspective and bet hedging. Don’t worry - this list won’t be any better. As a matter of fact, one can probably pick it apart point-by-point and argue over the merits of each selection. Still, as a function of one person’s own individual likes and dislikes, as a Herculean attempt to take one’s passion and profession and summarize it in several hundred words or less, it’s the way things stand…today…at this moment…without too much internal kvetching. Could it all change tomorrow? Probably. Are some of these choices set in cement, almost inarguable in their inclusion? Yes. So grab your cinematic salt (you’ll need it to take most of what you’ll read next) and settle in for SE&L"s Top 10 Films of the Decade (2000 - 2009), starting with a very unusual selection in the final spot:
  25. CTV News: Jim Gordon Picks The Top Films of the Past Decade's icon

    CTV News: Jim Gordon Picks The Top Films of the Past Decade

    Favs/dislikes: 1:0. For the past 11 years, weekly CTV film critic Jim Gordon has appeared on the 6 p.m. newscast to reveal his picks for the top 10 films of the year. But this year, Gordon decided instead to say farewell to the Aughts by listing his favourite 20 films of the decade. "It was difficult to keep the list to only 20 films," Gordon admitted. "Every year had it's memorable films, be they Hollywood, foreign, indie or documentary -- and many of those are on this list." Here, in chronological order............
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