Charts: Lists

This page shows you the list charts. By default, the movies are ordered by how many times they have been marked as a favorite. However, you can also sort by other information, such as the total number of times it has been marked as a dislike.

  1. Paolo Mereghetti's 4 Stars Films - Dizionario dei film 2021's icon

    Paolo Mereghetti's 4 Stars Films - Dizionario dei film 2021

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. All 4 stars (highest rating) movies by Italian film critic Paolo Mereghetti. List taken from "Il Mereghetti - Dizionario dei film 2021" movie guide. Alphabetical order.
  2. Paolo Sorrentino Filmography's icon

    Paolo Sorrentino Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0.
  3. Parade's 71 Best Music Videos of All Time's icon

    Parade's 71 Best Music Videos of All Time

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. The very first music video ever played on MTV was The Buggles‘ “Video Killed the Radio Star,” but that statement isn’t entirely accurate: music videos have helped launch the careers of countless musical artists. The first music video was created in 1895 for the kinetophone and The Big Bopper was credited with coining the term “music video.” But there’s no doubt that MTV and VH1, networks that were originally devoted solely to playing music videos, brought the form of musical entertainment into the mainstream, with shows like MTV’s Total Request Live becoming certified phenomenons in the late 1990s and early aughts. A great music video can launch an otherwise meh song into the stratosphere or launch an unknown to new heights. Whether it’s cinematic or simple, the makings of the best music videos of all time are pretty consistent: Creativity, be it in the form of storytelling or styling; artistry in direction, choreography and/or aesthetics; legacy and ongoing influence long after its left the charts: Did they make you dance, laugh, cry, think? Here are our picks for the 71 best music videos of all time (minus some of the ones that may give you nightmares or that were once iconic but now are questionable). **Missing from IMDB** Aaliyah, “We Need a Resolution”
  4. Paste's 20 Radical Protest Films to Watch Right Now's icon

    Paste's 20 Radical Protest Films to Watch Right Now

    Favs/dislikes: 2:1.
  5. Paste's 50 Best Films of 2017's icon

    Paste's 50 Best Films of 2017

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. Top 50 movies of 2017 according to paste magazine
  6. Paste's 50 Best Zombie Movies of All Time's icon

    Paste's 50 Best Zombie Movies of All Time

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. Here’s a film truism that everyone can agree upon: George Romero’s 1968 Night of the Living Dead is probably the most influential and important “zombie film” of all time. It codified an entirely new meaning for the term, which is ironic, given that the word “zombie” never actually appears in the movie, where the creatures are typically referred to as “ghouls.” But regardless, NOTLD catapulted the Americanized idea of “zombies” past their Haitian voodoo origins and into the cultural consciousness as dead bodies come back to life or otherwise reanimated, who fed upon the living. Few films in any genre can claim to be so influential. But is it the best zombie movie of all time? Despite its classic, definitive imagery, and despite everything it contributed to the history of horror cinema, it’s not as if Night of the Living Dead is a flawless film. It can be slow, a bit dated, and is limited by its minimal budget in more ways than one. With the historical record taken into account, it’s a great film. But it’s simply not the “greatest zombie movie of all time,” if we’re being objective. What, then, even makes for a great zombie film? Are they determined more by great human characterization, or by the utilization of the zombies themselves? What’s more important: A unique setting, or great practical effects? Gore and mayhem, or wry social commentary? Black comedy, or genuinely frightening suspense? Each can make for valid, classic examples of zombie cinema. And please, let’s not debate what is and isn’t “zombies.” We all know that the “infected” of 28 Days Later aren’t Romero-style zombies, but the construction of the film is 100 percent “zombie movie.” Likewise with many other entries on the list—it’s about intent and presentation, not whether the creatures fit within a very specific guidelines. So without further ado: Here are the 50 greatest zombie movies of all time. The list could easily have been longer, and we trimmed quite a few classics just to get down to 50. Will we reach 100 next year? Who’s to say?
  7. Paste's Greatest Christmas Movies of All Time's icon

    Paste's Greatest Christmas Movies of All Time

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. While any list of favorites or “best” contain a strong dose of subjectivity, a list of the Best Christmas Movies of All Time is even less constrained by questions of cinematic quality and other, objective criteria. After all, if your holiday comfort food is Last Christmas or Christmas with the Kranks, who are we to judge? Still, that doesn’t mean some films haven’t distinguished themselves over time (and, often, through critical consensus) as go-to holiday fare, and while we won’t judge you, we will absolutely judge—or at least rank—those. Publishes November 2022
  8. Paste's The 30 Best Time Travel Movies of All Time's icon

    Paste's The 30 Best Time Travel Movies of All Time

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. Movies love to time travel. “Time is a flat circle,” said Rust Cohle, talking about the fourth dimension—or something. But in the case of popular media, the weird koan holds true: No matter how society progresses, or to what extent our technology matures, human beings are destined to repeat the same mistakes. Over and over and over again. Is it possible to travel back through time and fix the wrongs we’ve wrought before—or will we just create more wrongs by messing with something we’re not meant to? With one of the all-time great time travel movies, Time Bandits celebrating its 40th anniversary this year, there is no better time (natch) to consider the genre’s formative films. Whether characters spend the whole film traveling to multiple times, or just talking about it, these films give insight into the fascinating facets of being human that drive us to believe in the impossible.
  9. Paste's The 50 Best Dystopian Movies of All Time's icon

    Paste's The 50 Best Dystopian Movies of All Time

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0.
  10. Patrick McGoohan's icon

    Patrick McGoohan

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. Actor Patrick McGoohan, creator of The Prisoner. Please let me know of additions--find them on imdb for me to add.
  11. Patrick Troughton Filmography's icon

    Patrick Troughton Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0.
  12. Patton Oswalt's favorite films according to mubi's icon

    Patton Oswalt's favorite films according to mubi

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0.
  13. Patty Duke Filmography's icon

    Patty Duke Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0.
  14. Paul Feig Filmography's icon

    Paul Feig Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0.
  15. Paul Rudd Films's icon

    Paul Rudd Films

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0.
  16. Paul Schrader Filmography's icon

    Paul Schrader Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0.
  17. Pedro Pascal Filmography's icon

    Pedro Pascal Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0.
  18. Películas clave del Western por Quim Casas's icon

    Películas clave del Western por Quim Casas

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0.
  19. películas en 365's icon

    películas en 365

    Favs/dislikes: 2:3.
  20. Personal top 100's icon

    Personal top 100

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0.
  21. Personal Top 300's icon

    Personal Top 300

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. made for MM-poll 17 - 2 - 2023 (6 new entries, provisional, on 28-2-2024)
  22. Personal Top 500's icon

    Personal Top 500

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. This top 500 was made for MovieMeter in 2017 (Dievegge). It contains a lot of Hollywood classics and European art movies, a mixture of highbrow and lowbrow, generally acclaimed movies and personal favorites. What they have in common is the importance of psychology and character development, often combined with suspense and humor.
  23. Pessimism reddit watching list's icon

    Pessimism reddit watching list

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. also check out their reading list more pessimist films:
  24. Pete Walker Filmography's icon

    Pete Walker Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. Pete Walker (born 1939 in Brighton, Sussex) is an English film director, writer and producer, specialising in horror and sexploitation films, frequently combining the two. His films often featured sadistic authority figures, such as priests or judges, punishing anyone - usually young women - who doesn't conform to their strict personal moral codes, but he has denied there being any political subtext to his films. Because of the speed with which he had to make his films, Walker often used the same reliable actors, including Andrew Sachs and Sheila Keith, the latter playing memorable villainesses in four of Walker's pictures. (source: wikipedia)
  25. Peter Bogdanovich Filmography's icon

    Peter Bogdanovich Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0.
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