Charts: Lists

This page shows you the list charts. By default, the movies are ordered by how many times they have been marked as a favorite. However, you can also sort by other information, such as the total number of times it has been marked as a dislike.

  1. 4chan's /film/ Guide Through The 1960s's icon

    4chan's /film/ Guide Through The 1960s

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  2. 4chan's /film/ Guide Through The 1970s's icon

    4chan's /film/ Guide Through The 1970s

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  3. 4chan's /film/ Guide Through The 1980s's icon

    4chan's /film/ Guide Through The 1980s

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  4. 4chan's /film/ Guide Through The 1990s's icon

    4chan's /film/ Guide Through The 1990s

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  5. 4chan's /film/ Guide Through The 2000s's icon

    4chan's /film/ Guide Through The 2000s

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  6. 4chan's /film/ Guide Through The 2010s's icon

    4chan's /film/ Guide Through The 2010s

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  7. 5's icon


    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  8. 5's icon


    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  9. 5 Most Important Things for Writing College Essays's icon

    5 Most Important Things for Writing College Essays

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. Composing the school article is the most overwhelming errand in the school application for the greater part of the understudies. You can compose upon the clear paper in limitless ways, yet you really want to track down the correct way that works for you. The best essay writers are available at [url=][/url], where students from across the world including the United States (US), United Kingdom (UK), Australia (AU), and Canada (CA) come to find professional help with their essays! Once in a while you want assistance from an expert to assist you with tracking down the right mix of words and thoughts. An article composing group can make this overwhelming system simple for you. They will help you plan and style your paper to present your best story. Composing a decent paper is something beyond composing. As a matter of fact, many take the high ground and champion in the arranging system. The creative cycle that traverses over months delivers the absolute best expositions. For certain understudies, this falls into place without any issues, yet for some - like the slackers - the arranging must be constrained. [url=][/url] provides excellent services to students in United States (US), United Kingdom (UK) , United Aarab Emirates (UAE), Canada (CA), and Australia (AU) who need help with their homework assignments. For your advantage, we have aggregated the techniques and propensities that effective understudies took on in their articles. [b]Begin Early[/b] The school article is integral to the school application, so it's smarter to begin arranging and composing on it throughout the late spring breaks before your last year. This is the point at which your brain is loose and free and not obfuscated by the tension of tasks, schoolwork, and extracurriculars. Composing a school exposition is definitely not a 8 to 5 work that will remove the fun from your excursions. It will, be that as it may, make them more diversion for you, without the responsibility of not yet chipping away at your article. [b]Note it Down[/b] To compose your paper you will require a free brain. That is just conceivable assuming you attempt to do and recollect everything from memory. Things, for example, exposition questions, cutoff times, and prerequisites. You will not have the option to compose your best exposition in the event that you don't store the important data on an organizer or a report. This will likewise save you the hour of backpedaling on the locales to affirm the dates and other data. This will likewise assist you with focusing on for your preferred colleges or for those whose cutoff times are coming up. [b]Conceptualize Ideas[/b] Conceptualizing is important for school papers like the wide range of various articles. Yet, not at all like them, a school exposition conceptualizing is an endless cycle that traverses over months. Keep a diary with you consistently, and write down the thoughts that come to you during your regular day to day existence. This will furnish you with probably the best happy for your exposition. You shouldn't just conceptualize points of interest yet ought to contemplate the bigger thoughts, for example, what story will feature your capacities the most. One more effective method for bringing a gnawing of design into your conceptualizing cycle is to waitlist your thoughts for the paper. This will assist you with picking the thoughts that will draw out the best in your composition. [b]Compose and Rewrite[/b] Composing is typically revising. For an interaction that goes as long as the school exposition the substance turns out to be more significant. The substance shows the peruser how much thought and exertion has been placed into it. Assuming you are focused on making it ideal the initial occasion when, you will go on and on forever up completing your exposition, and most likely will loot yourself off of the thoughts that occur while composing and reworking the paper. [url=][/url] is the best service for students in the United States (US), United Kingdom (UK), Australia (AU), United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Canada (CA) to get their essays written for a fair price. [b]Alter and Review[/b] When your exposition is in its last structure, it is presently time to survey it. Reexamining it all alone is useful yet it is essential to have another person audit it for you. It very well may be somebody from your family or a companion who knows about your background. They will assist with refining the substance of the story on the off chance that not the construction and the punctuation. You ought to likewise allow an expert to examine it. The person in question will assist you with streamlining your article and dispose of the additional load in your exposition. [url=][/url] is the best writing service for the students of the United Kingdom (UK), United States (US), Australia (AU), Canada (CA), Cyprus (CY) and United Arab Emirates (UAE) to find essays and papers of all academic levels and fields!
  10. 5 popcorns's icon

    5 popcorns

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.


    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. Many students may feel overwhelmed by the sudden switch to online instruction. There are many challenges to learning from home. Here are some strategies and tips that USF Instructional Technology faculty members Sanghoon, PhD and James Hatten, Ph.D. recommend to help you make the transition to online education. Start setting yourself up for success from the beginning 1. Create a learning environment that is productive If you want to be productive, it is not a good idea to work on assignments while sitting in a slump and watching Netflix simultaneously. Dr. Hatten is an expert in online learning and teaching. She recommends students pick a place in their home that's quiet and free of distractions. Dr. Hatten states that the couch is not the best place to be. "Get up and make your home your office. 2. Establish a time frame for reviewing and completing assignments It is possible to feel high stress when you are working on multiple courses simultaneously. However, this can be avoided by dividing your time between each class. Dr. Hatten shared an example of working on one class from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. Students can create a structure that is similar to traditional in-person classes. Dr. Hatten states, "My belief is most people either procrastinate or get too involved that (their computers) won't turn off." Have a time limit. It's important to set aside time each week to review the assignments for your classes. This will ensure that you don't forget to submit an assignment. 3. Get in touch with your peers via virtual interaction It is not possible to study with other classmates in the library, or receive on-the-spot clarifications by classmates during this period. You can still maintain the sense of community and collaboration by forming virtual interactions via platforms like GroupMe or Microsoft Teams. 4. To break down tasks, use the 'chunking strategy Chunking refers to the process of taking large tasks or large amounts of information and breaking it down into smaller pieces. Dr. Hatten suggests students "chunk", instead of spending three hours staring at a screen on a computer monitor, by following a pattern. Dr. Hatten states, "Work on one class and then figure out a task. Then reward yourself at the finish." So, I'm saying: Get up, have a cup of coffee, grab a snack, and go for a run, or simply get away for half an hour. Next, go back to the beginning and continue with the next section. Keep Motivated with These Ways There are many steps you can take in order to establish a routine and keep your productivity high. However, sometimes you may feel a lackluster and find it hard to complete the task at hand. Dr. Park's research focuses on creating motivational interventions for online learners and explains why students might experience this. He says that online courses are basically a way to learn apart from other students. Motivational problems can arise from feeling isolated from your peers, your instructors and yourself. Dr. Park advises people to recognize when they are feeling low in motivation and then find the root cause. Here are some strategies that he recommends to students. 5. Increase your interest in the job Sometimes, a task or assignment may seem tedious. Instead of ignoring it and letting it go, consider how you can make the task or assignment more interesting. This strategy involves using your imagination to modify the work that you turn in. Read more in Studentjob: [url=][/url] Related Resources: [url=]How to Effectively Study Online Courses[/url] [url=]How to Study Online Courses Effectively[/url] [url=]What are the Best Online Class Assistance Services?[/url] [url=]What are the top online classes help services?[/url]
  12. 5.'s icon


    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  13. 50's icon


    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  14. 50's icon


    Favs/dislikes: 0:8. 50 top movies
  15. 50 best gangster movies of all time (TimeOut)'s icon

    50 best gangster movies of all time (TimeOut)

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. in 20. Widows (2018) 22. Mou gaan dou (2002) 30. No Sudden Move (2021) 31. Tokyo Drifter / Tokyo nagaremono (1966) 39. The Hot Rock (1972) 40. Triad Election / Hak se wui: Yi woo wai kwai (2006) 44. Why Don't You Play in Hell (2013) 47. The Irishman (2019) 49. Point Break (1991) out 20. Kawaita hana 23. A bout de souffle 27. The Departed 31. Bullets Over Broadway 35. Der amerikanische Freund 36. No Country for Old Men 46. Fargo 48. Bottle Rocket 49. Brighton Rock
  16. 50 best movies of all time's icon

    50 best movies of all time

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  17. 50 Best Post-Apocalyptic Movies (Ash Tales)'s icon

    50 Best Post-Apocalyptic Movies (Ash Tales)

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  18. 50 Favorite Films's icon

    50 Favorite Films

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. as of 4/18/2024
  19. 50 films from the 21st century's icon

    50 films from the 21st century

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  20. 50 Greatest Screenplays's icon

    50 Greatest Screenplays

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. I put a bunch of screenplay best-of-all-time lists together and this is what came of it.
  21. 50 in 2012's icon

    50 in 2012

    Favs/dislikes: 0:1. 50 Films to Watch in 2012
  22. 50 Most Meaningful Movies's icon

    50 Most Meaningful Movies

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  23. 50 Movies (A-Z)'s icon

    50 Movies (A-Z)

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  24. 50 movies I WILL watch's icon

    50 movies I WILL watch

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  25. 50 movies on a weekend's icon

    50 movies on a weekend

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. A list by's critic Stanislav Zelvensky
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Showing items 11851 – 11875 of 23503