Charts: Lists

This page shows you the list charts. By default, the movies are ordered by how many times they have been marked as a favorite. However, you can also sort by other information, such as the total number of times it has been marked as a dislike.

  1. Head Top Movies's icon

    Head Top Movies

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  2. Heart of Noir ~ 1st tier ~ The Masterpieces's icon

    Heart of Noir ~ 1st tier ~ The Masterpieces

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Noir films ranked by the editors of Sorted by year.
  3. Heart of Noir ~ 2nd tier ~ The Greats's icon

    Heart of Noir ~ 2nd tier ~ The Greats

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Noir films ranked by the editors of Sorted by year.
  4. Heart of Noir ~ 3rd tier ~ The Very Goods's icon

    Heart of Noir ~ 3rd tier ~ The Very Goods

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Noir films ranked by the editors of Sorted by year.
  5. heartbreaking romance's icon

    heartbreaking romance

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  6. Heath Ledger Filmography's icon

    Heath Ledger Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. Heath Ledger Filmography
  7. hehe xd's icon

    hehe xd

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  8. heheh's icon


    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. Comedy prize
  9. Heimat's icon


    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. Heimat is a series of films written and directed by Edgar Reitz about life in Germany from the 1840s to 2000 through the eyes of a family from the Hunsrück area of the Rhineland-Palatinate. The family's personal and domestic life is set against the backdrop of wider social and political events. The combined length of the 5 films – broken into 32 episodes – is 59 hours and 32 minutes, making it one of the longest series of feature-length films in cinema history. The title Heimat (pronounced [ˈhaɪmat]) is a German word, often translated as "homeland" or "home place", but it has been alleged that the word has no true English equivalent.[1][page needed] Usage has come to include that of an ironic reference to the film genre known as Heimatfilm which was popular in Germany in the 1950s. Heimat films were characterised by rural settings, sentimental tone and simplistic morality. Aesthetically, the series is notable for the frequent switching between color and black-and-white film to convey different emotional states. In 1987 it won a BAFTA for "Foreign Television Programme".[2] The first film was released in 1984 with a followup in 1993. A direct sequel to the original film was released in 2003. Using unused footage and outtakes to create a narrative, in 2006, a film was released focusing on the women, as Hermann's daughter Lulu looks back on her family history. A prequel film to the original was released in 2013. (Wikipedia)
  10. Heimat 2's icon

    Heimat 2

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  11. HEleloeijdb's icon


    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  12. Helena Bonham Carter Filmography's icon

    Helena Bonham Carter Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. Helena Bonham Carter Filmography
  13. Help with homework's icon

    Help with homework

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. Hi, can anyone help with my homework?
  14. Heminator's Favorite Movies's icon

    Heminator's Favorite Movies

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  15. Henri Calef filmography's icon

    Henri Calef filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. The most underrated of the French directors of the post-WW2 era ? This one,arguably.An educated man ,with a passion for history,Henri Calef (1910-1994) began his career in 1945.His second effort ("Jericho") ranked among the best French movies dealing with resistance during WW2."Les Chouans" was a fine adaptation of Balzac's novel."La Maison Sous La Mer" depicted a desperate love story ,casting against type vamp Viviane Romance ,and taking advantage of Claude Renoir's stunning cinematography."Bagarres" ,a rural chronicle, reminded the viewer of Zola's naturalism but Calef's masterpiece remained , no contest , "Eaux Troubles" a somber story filmed on location near the Mont Saint Michel using the landscapes as nobody did (or would) and containing scenes to rival the best of Duvivier or Clouzot."La Souricière " ended his heyday: a good thriller in which a young lawyer had to defend a thief who confessed he was also a murderer . Things began to deteriorate beyond that point ,although "La Passante" ,filmed on location along a canal, had its moments and " Les Amours Finissent A L'Aube " was a curious thriller in which a husband would cheat on his wife and take care of her at the same time.On the other hand ,"Ombres Et Lumières " ,starring Simone Signoret, went back to the American Freudian thrillers of the forties and seemed obsolete at time of release.But "L'Heure De Vérité" (1963) filmed on location in Israel and dealing with people still haunted by the concentration camps nearly matched the 1945-1949 brilliance .it seems best consider this movie Calef's swansong ,for his last one ,"Feminin Feminin"(1971) ,which tackled lesbianism ,was the most distressingly mediocre movie of his whole career.He called it quits afterward ,and occasionally worked for TV on historical subjects.It's obvious that Calef's best movies should be reassessed.
  16. Henry Cavill Filmography's icon

    Henry Cavill Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. All the movie appearances of Henry Cavill
  17. Henry King's Westerns's icon

    Henry King's Westerns

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  18. Herbert Achternbusch's icon

    Herbert Achternbusch

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  19. Here you go Juan's icon

    Here you go Juan

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. For you
  20. Here’s How Do You Keep A Luxury Car Running Intact For An Extended Time?'s icon

    Here’s How Do You Keep A Luxury Car Running Intact For An Extended Time?

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. In case you have just joined the elite club of owning a luxury car like an Audi, BMW, Volvo, Mercedes-Benz, etc. You should keep up with taking good care of these automotive behemoths. Though these beasts offer luxury, they too have certain demands in terms of carrying forward the same service. ![Here’s How Do You Keep A Luxury Car Running Intact For An Extended Time?](*p5tJia2dxjiYUJVd.png) They are definitely capable of offering the smoothest rides while being dynamic. But, carelessness is something that can deter the luxury. Nonetheless, there are certain ways to upkeep your vehicle’s class while still expecting a certain level of service from it. ## Keep an ear on your car ![Keep an ear on your car](*wbkfKoSMR-4G1iFg.jpg) Usually, a car starts to make some sort of noise when there is an underlying issue. Though most luxury cars are equipped with sophisticated technology, it has become difficult to understand a problem by just hearing a sound. Under normal circumstances, a car often produces squealing and grinding noises, but modern cars’ sound dampening features might keep things unknown to you. Therefore, it is necessary for you to turn off the sound dampening feature that is available in the car’s computer settings. Then, try to hear any unusual sound under the hood or from the suspension. This might be a sign that your car needs work. As the car shifts gears, listen out for any strange noises or trembling in the steering wheel. Service My Car facilitates the maintenance of your luxury vehicle without any hassle. Besides, you can avail a luxury car scanning and diagnostics here to learn about any existing and potential issue. ## Be agile in maintaining your car tyres ![Be agile in maintaining your car tyres](*BMrVMTNsYcT6f9oE.jpg) Often overlooked, tyres are always at the receiving end whether they are cruising through the highway or crossing a tough terrain. They have to run whether it is extreme cold or scorching heat. What does tyres needs to fight these tough conditions? Of course, first is proper inflation. Your car’s tyres need to be properly inflated neither too much nor too little. Therefore, you have to be agile to keep tyre pressure intact. Next, there is always a possibility of tyres rotation to manage uneven wear and tear. Therefore, tyre maintenance is always going to be beneficial in long term and keeping your car’s luxury intact. Service My Car is here for your tyre maintenance needs. You get tyre service including wheel alignment, tyre rotation, etc under one roof. ## Never run your luxury car with old engine oil ![Never run your luxury car with old engine oil](*3sYRzoKfsG4Sp6B2.jpg) Though every car needs proper lubrication to work properly and avoid unnecessary wear and tear, your luxury vehicle does need proper lubrication, and any ignorance would definitely result in performance deterioration. Engine oil degrades in terms of lubrication over time, and it gets some sort of contamination. In these circumstances, engine would definitely lack in its efficiency and even sustain damage while hurting a critical component. So delaying a car oil change is not a great approach. Essentially, follow the manufacturer’s recommendation properly. You can pay a visit to Service My Car for an expert’s opinion. ## Keep your car’s batteries optimal ![Keep your car’s batteries optimal](*51LyvaPZLvwcYPuY.jpg) Battery is a way better than before, but much overloaded too.  They are not just starting your car or powering the headlights. A number of accessories, computers, and sensors are dependent on the battery power, especially when the alternator is at rest. As a result, a car's battery requires more consideration and care right now. Your battery's contact points need to be inspected to make sure corrosion isn't accumulating there as well as to ensure proper charging. Even if the car's battery is in perfect condition, there could be a charging issue. Any electrical issue, such as alternator failure or a wiring problem, could cause you problems, sometimes very costly ones. For a proper inspection, you should come to a Service My Car workshop. Here, you will get an expert assessment and a car battery replacement at a very reasonable price. ## Keep an eye on the car’s fluids ![Keep an eye on the car’s fluids](*zuFclILyFJshMLSz.jpg) A car has fluids almost every nook and corner. Though, they do not get depleted quite easily unless the leaks make them reduced unnecessarily. There is some specificity in fluids, as a number of models have distinctive fluid needs. Those with turbochargers usually need a different kind of oil because only engine oil does not work for them. A mix-up is not going to work for your car’s luxurious offerings. However, these technologically sophisticated cars usually require expertise to deal with such problems. That’s why you need to come to Service My Car for professional remediation of a complex issue. ## Opting for preventive management ![Opting for preventive management](*l9Ttun1PZGpN95d7.jpg) Usually, you expect a luxury car neat and clean at the interior along with shining exterior. It requires you and others who usually ride in the car to learn the basics of hygiene. You should go for the floor mats or utilise the seat covers to avoid wear and tear. Besides, there is always an option of choosing the car detailing. Service My Car offers a comprehensive cleaning solution for your luxurious asset to keep it intact for a long time. If you own car and you want to your car running intact for extended time then Service My Car provides you car services such as engine repair, oil change, battery replacement, wheel alignment and [windscreen replacement]( at an affordable price. These are a few valuable tips to keep a luxury car intact forever. Service My Car is a credible place to make your smooth riding continue for an extended time. You can book a car service or order a car repair quote on our website or app anytime.
  21. Here’s How Do You Keep A Luxury Car Running Intact For An Extended Time?'s icon

    Here’s How Do You Keep A Luxury Car Running Intact For An Extended Time?

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. In case you have just joined the elite club of owning a luxury car like an Audi, BMW, Volvo, Mercedes-Benz, etc. You should keep up with taking good care of these automotive behemoths. Though these beasts offer luxury, they too have certain demands in terms of carrying forward the same service. They are definitely capable of offering the smoothest rides while being dynamic. But, carelessness is something that can deter the luxury. Nonetheless, there are certain ways to upkeep your vehicle’s class while still expecting a certain level of service from it. [b]Keep an ear on your car[/b] Usually, a car starts to make some sort of noise when there is an underlying issue. Though most luxury cars are equipped with sophisticated technology, it has become difficult to understand a problem by just hearing a sound. Under normal circumstances, a car often produces squealing and grinding noises, but modern cars’ sound dampening features might keep things unknown to you. Therefore, it is necessary for you to turn off the sound dampening feature that is available in the car’s computer settings. Then, try to hear any unusual sound under the hood or from the suspension. This might be a sign that your car needs work. As the car shifts gears, listen out for any strange noises or trembling in the steering wheel. Service My Car facilitates the maintenance of your luxury vehicle without any hassle. Besides, you can avail a luxury car scanning and diagnostics here to learn about any existing and potential issue. [b]Be agile in maintaining your car tyres[/b] Often overlooked, tyres are always at the receiving end whether they are cruising through the highway or crossing a tough terrain. They have to run whether it is extreme cold or scorching heat. What does tyres needs to fight these tough conditions? Of course, first is proper inflation. Your car’s tyres need to be properly inflated neither too much nor too little. Therefore, you have to be agile to keep tyre pressure intact. Next, there is always a possibility of tyres rotation to manage uneven wear and tear. Therefore, tyre maintenance is always going to be beneficial in long term and keeping your car’s luxury intact. Service My Car is here for your tyre maintenance needs. You get tyre service including wheel alignment, tyre rotation, etc under one roof. [b]Never run your luxury car with old engine oil[/b] Though every car needs proper lubrication to work properly and avoid unnecessary wear and tear, your luxury vehicle does need proper lubrication, and any ignorance would definitely result in performance deterioration. Engine oil degrades in terms of lubrication over time, and it gets some sort of contamination. In these circumstances, engine would definitely lack in its efficiency and even sustain damage while hurting a critical component. So delaying a car oil change is not a great approach. Essentially, follow the manufacturer’s recommendation properly. You can pay a visit to Service My Car for an expert’s opinion. [b]Keep your car’s batteries optimal[/b] Battery is a way better than before, but much overloaded too. They are not just starting your car or powering the headlights. A number of accessories, computers, and sensors are dependent on the battery power, especially when the alternator is at rest. As a result, a car's battery requires more consideration and care right now. Your battery's contact points need to be inspected to make sure corrosion isn't accumulating there as well as to ensure proper charging. Even if the car's battery is in perfect condition, there could be a charging issue. Any electrical issue, such as alternator failure or a wiring problem, could cause you problems, sometimes very costly ones. For a proper inspection, you should come to a Service My Car workshop. Here, you will get an expert assessment and a car battery replacement at a very reasonable price. You can search for a Mercedes Benz specialist near me on the web to opt for [url=]Mercedes Benz service[/url] in Manchester at a reliable service centre. [b]Keep an eye on the car’s fluids[/b] A car has fluids almost every nook and corner. Though, they do not get depleted quite easily unless the leaks make them reduced unnecessarily. There is some specificity in fluids, as a number of models have distinctive fluid needs. Those with turbochargers usually need a different kind of oil because only engine oil does not work for them. A mix-up is not going to work for your car’s luxurious offerings. However, these technologically sophisticated cars usually require expertise to deal with such problems. That’s why you need to come to Service My Car for professional remediation of a complex issue. [b]Opting for preventive management[/b] Usually, you expect a luxury car neat and clean at the interior along with shining exterior. It requires you and others who usually ride in the car to learn the basics of hygiene. You should go for the floor mats or utilise the seat covers to avoid wear and tear. Besides, there is always an option of choosing the car detailing. Service My Car offers a comprehensive cleaning solution for your luxurious asset to keep it intact for a long time. These are a few valuable tips to keep a luxury car intact forever. Service My Car is a credible place to make your smooth riding continue for an extended time. You can book a car service or order a car repair quote on our website or app anytime.
  22. Here’s How You Decide Whether It Is A Complete Clutch Replacement Or Not?'s icon

    Here’s How You Decide Whether It Is A Complete Clutch Replacement Or Not?

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. You're mistaken if you believe that just buying an engine or transmission will break the bank. There are other critical components that can be hard on your wallet. The clutch, being one of the most critical components of a car, cannot be ignored. Before digging deep into this matter, just consider understanding the clutch first. [b]Are a clutch and a clutch assembly the same thing?[/b] Usually, people use "clutch" in normal conversation. Though a clutch is just an umbrella term, there are a number of components that work together to facilitate a driver's absolute control of the vehicle. Therefore, clutch assembly is more of a technical term that people often refer to as a clutch. Besides, clutches can be of two types: either a cable clutch or a hydraulic clutch. What your vehicle has entirely depends on the technology of the manufacturer. A clutch assembly includes a pressure plate, clutch disc, flywheel, release bearing, release fork, pilot bushing, etc. All of them have their individual importance in dealing with power transfer from engine to transmission. Usually, all the components stay in between the engine and transmission. Nonetheless, clutch replacement may be required in the future. But how can you tell whether a clutch assembly needs to be replaced entirely or if just a part needs to be changed? [b]When there would be a need of clutch assembly replacement?[/b] How do you determine whether the clutch assembly needs to be repaired or replaced? These signs may definitely help you assess the situation of your clutch. Service My Car not only provides car clutch replacement services but also provides car battery replacement, car mot check, car oil change, car ac repair, car detailing services etc. In case you own a mini car and wondering 'where to find [url=]mini specialist near me[/url]?' Look no further than Service My Car to get the best mini services. [b]Does your car’s clutch start to slip?[/b] Slipping clutch is a condition in which a car's RPMs suddenly increase without any additional acceleration, particularly while in gear. This is very noticeable when driving on an incline. A clutch emergency does not come suddenly. It takes time for a person to become completely damaged. However, if this is the case, you will need to replace the entire clutch assembly. [b]Does your car’s clutch start to feel hard?[/b] A damaged pressure plate is the primary reason behind the sudden hardness of the clutch in a cable based clutch, and it could be the hydraulic line issue in hydraulically operated clutches. Sometimes, it is just a lack of lubrication in the clutch cable. [b]Change in release point[/b] The release point will undoubtedly shift a little bit higher as the clutch begins to deteriorate. The car might require a longer release than usual before moving, and you get to practice letting go of the clutch a little bit more. In hydraulically operated clutches, a stretched cable or a broken master or slave cylinder may occasionally be to blame for this. [b]Has your car’s clutch started to shudder?[/b] The shuddering of a clutch is the most obvious sign of damage that is occurring or has occurred. When you use the clutch to move your car, it gives you serious vibrations. It might need a whole assembly replacement, just a check, or even a change of flywheel. [b]Is there any smell when you set off?[/b] A strong smell just after you set off after idling is a sure sign of a clutch problem and may need the serious intervention of an expert. However, a worn-out clutch assembly usually starts to show certain indications. Though you can take the help of an expert to learn about the actual condition at Service My Car, Here, experts suggest you get a car clutch replacement even after certain thorough assessments. Besides, there could be minor problems that need a minor fix or even a part replacement. But you should be aware of these points so it would be easy for you to approve a process while mechanics deal with your problematic clutch assembly. [b]Is there any problem with the release bearings?[/b] The gearbox makes a rumbling sound that alludes to the release bearing issues. After pressing the clutch, the sound stops. In these circumstances, merely replacing the release bearing should be sufficient to address your issue. [b]Have you experienced a gear slipping into a slot with a grinding noise?[/b] A damaged clutch is not going to work properly, and a gear might lose its slot while producing the grinding sound. It may start to get stuck even after releasing the pedal. There might be a number of reasons for a stuck clutch, to name a few. [b]• Is it worn or stretched clutch cable?[/b] Clutch cables have the tendency of stretching and even getting damaged. In such a case, it just requires a clutch cable replacement. [b]• Is there any problem with master or slave cylinders?[/b] In the case of a hydraulic clutch, any problem or leakage in the pressure cylinder is not going to support a proper release of the clutch. It might require changing the problematic cylinder. [b]• Has air entered the hydraulic line?[/b] Air may have an adverse impact on the pressure that is necessary for hydraulic lines. If your car’s clutch pedal remains stuck in the floor, the above mentioned problems might be behind the scenes. However, they can be repaired easily, so there would not be a need for clutch assembly replacement. Nonetheless, an expert inspection paves the way for you to decide whether it will be a complete clutch replacement or not, saving you money in the process. You can avail an expert’s assessment at Service My Car by booking a car service or ordering a car repair quote on our website or app.
  23. hernameiseliza Must-watchs and Favourites's icon

    hernameiseliza Must-watchs and Favourites

    Favs/dislikes: 0:1.
  24. Héroes que no lo son's icon

    Héroes que no lo son

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. ¿Qué es ser un héroe?
  25. Herschell Gordon Lewis Filmography's icon

    Herschell Gordon Lewis Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. A list of films directed by the "Godfather of Gore" Herschell Gordon Lewis. According to IMDB, he co-directed Monster a-Go Go, but since he's uncredited I left it out. Last update: April 14 (2022)
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Showing items 15926 – 15950 of 23492