Charts: Movies

This page shows you the movie charts. By default, the movies are ordered by how many times they have been marked as a favorite. However, you can also sort by other information, such as the total number of times it has been checked or how many official top lists the movie is in.


  1. TV Land's Ultimate Fan Search

    1999 Check
  2. TV magazin

  3. TV Mail

    2002 Check
  4. TV Ministry

    1998 Check
  5. TV Mulher

    1980 Check
  6. TV Nation

    1994, in 0 top lists Check
  7. TV Nation: Episode #1.1

    1994 Check
  8. TV Nation: Volume One

    1997 Check
  9. TV Nation: Volume Two

    1997 Check
  10. TV Nightmares

    1999 Check
  11. TV Nightmares: Episode #1.3

    1999 Check
  12. TV Nightmares: Episode #2.1

    2000 Check
  13. TV Nightmares: Episode #3.1

    2001 Check
  14. TV Nightmares: Episode #3.2

    2002 Check
  15. TV Nurse

    1993 Check
  16. TV Offal

    1997, in 0 top lists Check
  17. TV Offal: Episode #1.1

  18. TV on the Radio: Happy Idiot

  19. TV on the Radio: Wolf Like Me

    2010, in 0 top lists
  20. TV or Not TV

    1962 Check
  21. TV or Not TV

    1962 Check
  22. TV Panty Party

    1994 Check
  23. TV Party Time

    1992 Check
  24. TV Patrol

    2007 Check
  25. TV Phone Sex

    1992 Check
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Showing items 851651 – 851675 of 920647