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  1. Film Noir - TASCHEN's icon

    Film Noir - TASCHEN

    Favs/dislikes: 29:0. Contains all films that have at least one still included in TASCHEN's recently re-released "Film Noir". ISBN: 978-3-8365-3462-8
  2. The Art of Noir - Eddie Muller's icon

    The Art of Noir - Eddie Muller

    Favs/dislikes: 21:1. All the posters in Muller's book. ISBN: 1-58567-073-1
  3. Highest Rated Films of 2014's icon

    Highest Rated Films of 2014

    Favs/dislikes: 12:0. The highest rated films of 2014 based on the scoring system detailed below. The ratings are from both critics and normal consumers like you and me. These are films from 2014, which include films with wide releases that took place in 2014. Scoring: Order highest to lowest scoring based on top rating sites (Rotten Tomatoes Average Critic/User rating out of 10/5 respectively [Averaged], IMDB user rating * 10, and Metascore all averaged.) Minimum score of 70. Documentaries and films with less than 20 ratings from Rotten Tomatoes are not included.
  4. Inspiration for visual arts, graphic design and so on.'s icon

    Inspiration for visual arts, graphic design and so on.

    Favs/dislikes: 10:0. Most of the movies on this list are selected merely for it's visual relevance rather than their plot. Not only Especial Effects are a merit on this list, also titles, scenery, photography and costumes have been taken in count, anything notable and interesting for visual artists, graphic designers, or anyone who just want to have a memorable visual experience. Hope some of these may inspire you. (work in progress, feel free to suggest your own films.)
  5. Top 100 Art House and International Movies - Rotten Tomatoes's icon

    Top 100 Art House and International Movies - Rotten Tomatoes

    Favs/dislikes: 7:0. BEST OF ROTTEN TOMATOES Movies with 20 or more critic reviews vie for their place in history at Rotten Tomatoes. Eligible movies are ranked based on their Tomatometer Scores.
  6. Queer/Art/Film's icon


    Favs/dislikes: 6:0. Founded in June 2009, Queer/Art/Film is a New York film series where each month they invite one of the city’s homosexual artists to pick a film that has most inspired them, and present it to an audience. Some films are missing, as they are not classified by IMDb as films.
  7. 100 Must See Movies: The Essential Men’s Movie Library's icon

    100 Must See Movies: The Essential Men’s Movie Library

    Favs/dislikes: 5:1. For whatever reason (most likely the fact that viewing is easier than reading), films don’t seem to get the same kind of cultural respect as books do. Which is a shame because excellent movies can be just as entertaining, mind-expanding, and life changing as good books. Scenes, characters, and quotes from the greatest movies stay with us long after we view them. Their ability to transport you to different times and exotic locations, to completely absorb you in the story, make movies one of the closest approximations of real magic we have in this world. And for better and for worse, film has had a huge impact on masculinity in the 20th Century. Movies have produced archetypes of manliness that many men judge themselves against today. To view how male characters of cinema have been portrayed over the decades, is to see clearly the ways in which our perception of masculinity has changed and continues to change. Thus it seemed only proper that The Art of Manliness take a stab at creating a list of essential movies every man should see. We didn’t want to make a list of movies that consisted solely of violence and gratuitous T and A that make up most guy movie lists. Nor did we want to create a list of just independent avant-garde movies that while culturally or cinematically significant, aren’t very entertaining. We wanted to create a well rounded list of films that have something to say about manliness. Some of the movies speak poignantly about what it means to be a man. Others give examples of true manliness in action. Some are lessons in how not to be a man. And others are simply entertaining movies that are just plain manly. But the common thread that runs through all of them is that they’re great movies that have stood the test of time. Let us know in the comments which movies you loved, which ones you hated, and the movies you think every man should see before he dies. Without further ado, we present The Art of Manliness 100 Must See Movies for Men.
  8. 20 Amazing Slow-Paced Movies You Shouldn’t Miss's icon

    20 Amazing Slow-Paced Movies You Shouldn’t Miss

    Favs/dislikes: 5:0. Some of the best, and most obvious, advice to give anyone trying to get into cinema is to just be patient, and pay attention at all times. It is axiomatic for sure, but this advice is even more prevalent when considering slow, meandering cinema. It can be tempting to wander off and lose focus, but remaining diligent is what is going to provide the best understanding and enjoyment of the content over anything else. The history of slow cinema runs the gauntlet of auteur legends such as Carl Theodor Dreyer, Ingmar Bergman, Chantal Akerman, Yasujiro Ozu, and Michelangelo Antonioni. Since the infamous boos and jeers directed towards the groundbreaking L’Avventura at Cannes, slow film has always seemed to have an uphill struggle to find a proper home. Now many filmmakers are applauded for such “relentless” pacing. In fact, from an academic and historical point-of-view, slow film is entirely antithetical to classical style filmmaking. Old (and new) films are dominated by successive cutting, varying of shots/angles, and utilizing the Kuleshov effect to its fullest for easier plotting. Usually classic Hollywood films did this so the editor could cover up any mistakes or discrepancies. Now it seems as if newer, mainstream films are vying for audience attention with as much visual stimuli as possible. However, many slow films like to have the mise-en-scène at such a minimum to where it seems as if nothing is happening. Some directors have a preference for keeping the camera at a long or medium-long shot to maintain verisimilitude, letting the scene play out in sequence. There are many fantastic slow films, but these 20 films are emblematic of what the style/technique has to offer.
  9. Harmony Korine's Top Films's icon

    Harmony Korine's Top Films

    Favs/dislikes: 5:0. From a 1999 issue of Dazed and Confused magazine, Rotten Tomatoes, and other sources.
  10. Highest Rated Films of 2013's icon

    Highest Rated Films of 2013

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0. The highest rated films of 2013 based on the scoring system detailed below. The ratings are from both critics and normal consumers like you and me. These are films from 2013, which include films with wide releases that took place in 2013. Scoring: Order highest to lowest scoring based on top rating sites (Rotten Tomatoes Average Critic/User rating out of 10/5 respectively [Averaged], IMDB user rating * 10, and Metascore all averaged.) Minimum score of 70. Documentaries and films with less than 20 ratings from Rotten Tomatoes are not included.
  11. Architecture Documentary's to Watch 's icon

    Architecture Documentary's to Watch

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. A list of Architecture Documentary's that anyone interested in design should watch.
  12. Jon Jost filmography's icon

    Jon Jost filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. Movies directed by Jon Jost.
  13. Art Movies's icon

    Art Movies

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. The films in this list demonstrate one or more of the characteristics of art films: a serious, noncommercial, or independently made film that is not aimed at a mass audience.
  14. The best's icon

    The best

    Favs/dislikes: 0:1. The best movies I have ever seen.
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