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  1. Encyclopedia of Indian Cinema (Hindi films)'s icon

    Encyclopedia of Indian Cinema (Hindi films)

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. [b][url=]Master list[/url][/b] This is a sublist of the list above with only the Hindi films showing (or films that have Hindi versions), starting with the first sound film, Alam Ara (Ardeshir Irani, 1931). [u]Notes:[/u] #1, #20, #105 - #106, #147, #187 - #188, #204, #209, #222, #232, #244 - #245, #373, #392, #398, #477, #491: All these films are Hindi-Urdu films ([url=]Wiki article on the Hindi-Urdu controversy[/url]) #79: Sunehra Sansar is the slightly longer Hindi cut of the Bengali film Sonar Sansar (they have separate entries on imdb). #90: Duniya Na Mane is the Hindi version of the Marathi film Kunku (on one official list). #123: Life's for Living: Aadmi is the Hindi version of the Marathi film Manoos (on one official list). #207: Hamrahi is the Hindi version of the Bengali film Udayer Pathey (on one official list). #380: Noted as a Hindi-Bhojpur film in the book. [u]Missing:[/u] Jeevan Nauka (K. Vembu, 1951), the Hindi language version of the Malayalam film Jeevitha Nauka.
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