Personal lists

iCheckMovies allows you to check many different top lists, ranging from the all-time top 250 movies to the best science-fiction movies. Please select the top list you are interested in, which will show you the movies in that list, and you can start checking them!


  1. For The Ladies's icon

    For The Ladies

    Favs/dislikes: 25:1. Awesome movies with positive portrayals of women in lead roles, from goofy comedies to badass action flicks. Many pass the Bechdel Test, but not all, and many of them feature female writers and/or directors. This list is determined by the personal tastes of Alexandra Kittle, blogger at Enjoy!
  2. I feel like a Woman's icon

    I feel like a Woman

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. Some movies to watch on a girls night, or that have some epic lady roles. From the nostalgic to the badass, or just plain heart thumping rad ladies films.
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