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iCheckMovies allows you to check many different top lists, ranging from the all-time top 250 movies to the best science-fiction movies. Please select the top list you are interested in, which will show you the movies in that list, and you can start checking them!

  1. Filmgenres: Science Fiction (Reclam)'s icon

    Filmgenres: Science Fiction (Reclam)

    Favs/dislikes: 3:0. The movies listed in the German book "Filmgenres: Science Fiction" which was published in 2003. It's a more or less chronological overview about the history of science fiction movies from a german point of view. The movies were selected by german film scholars and journalists.
  2. Filmgenres: Fantasy- und Märchenfilm (Reclam)'s icon

    Filmgenres: Fantasy- und Märchenfilm (Reclam)

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. The movies listed in the German book "Filmgenres: Fantasy- und Märchenfilm" which was published in 2003. It's a more or less chronological overview about the history of fantasy and fairy tale movies from a german point of view. The movies were selected by german film scholars and journalists.
  3. Filmdienst. Die 20 besten Filme 2022 (Films of the Year 2022)'s icon

    Filmdienst. Die 20 besten Filme 2022 (Films of the Year 2022)

    Favs/dislikes: 1:0. The top 20 films, whhc were publihed 2022 in Germany chosen hosen by the authors and editors of the German Magazine / Website Film-Dienst.
  4. Filmgenres: Animationsfilm (Reclam)'s icon

    Filmgenres: Animationsfilm (Reclam)

    Favs/dislikes: 1:0. The movies listed in the German book "Filmgenres: Animationsfilm" which was published in 2007. It's a more or less chronological overview about the history of animated movies from a german point of view. The movies were selected by german film scholars and journalists.
  5. Filmgenres: Horrorfilm (Reclam)'s icon

    Filmgenres: Horrorfilm (Reclam)

    Favs/dislikes: 1:0. The movies listed in the German book "Filmgenres: Horrorilm" which was published in 2004. It's a more or less chronological overview about the history of science fiction movies from a german point of view. The movies were selected by german film scholars and journalists.
  6. Filmgenres: Western (Reclam)'s icon

    Filmgenres: Western (Reclam)

    Favs/dislikes: 1:0. The movies listed in the German book "Filmgenres: Western" which was published in 2003. It's a more or less chronological overview about the history of Western movies from a german point of view. The movies were selected by german film scholars and journalists.
  7. Taste of Cinema: 15 M. Night Shyamalan Movies Ranked's icon

    Taste of Cinema: 15 M. Night Shyamalan Movies Ranked

    Favs/dislikes: 1:0. "When he first got his breakthrough in the late 90s, he was celebrated as the next big thing but the inconsistency through his career made him somewhat of a divisive filmmaker. At some point in his career, he seemed like he makes only failures and if you were no fan of his earlier output, then it wasn’t hard to hate him. Him always trying to defend his work from criticism was not a good look also. Then again, he always had his fans and defenders as well because no one makes movies like M. Night Shyamalan, for better or worse. He has his own style which is somewhat distinctive in modern mainstream cinema. His way of using camera, the way he builds suspense, how he brings some dramatic thought-provoking themes into his movies and his way of bringing unpredictable twists still brings so much entertainment to his fans which is probably why they always make good business at the box office. They’re also original. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t do adaptations but he picks materials that are different than anything else on cinemas. That’s why he’s always intriguing and interesting. The man is very passionate about his craft and it’s very evident in big part of his filmography."
  8. Filmdienst: Die 20 besten Filme 2021 (Films of the Year 2021)'s icon

    Filmdienst: Die 20 besten Filme 2021 (Films of the Year 2021)

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. The top 20 films, whhc were publihed 2021 in Germany chosen hosen by the authors and editors of the German Magazine / Website Film-Dienst.
  9. Maren Ade Filmography's icon

    Maren Ade Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. The Films directed by German director Maren Ade
  10. Taschen's 100 Movies of the 2010s's icon

    Taschen's 100 Movies of the 2010s

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. All movies featured in the book "100 Movies of the 2010's" by Taschen
  11. Taste of Cinema: The 10 Best Psychological Western Movies's icon

    Taste of Cinema: The 10 Best Psychological Western Movies

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. "The western genre is a storied one. From the Sergio Leone zapata vehicles, whose towering Man with No Name trilogy continues to loom high as a cinematic infuence, to the subversiveness of Anthony Mann’s films, the undisputed classics have mostly retained their power. The western’s template has undergone decade after decade of revision and refinement to continually find and captivate audiences of all ages, demographics and persuasions. Its once straightforward morality conceits more malleable than once thought, the Western has brought some of the most memorable film characters of all time to life, and continues to light up the big and small screens alike. Often using star wattage and visual slickness to sell rugged storylines set upon frontier times in the American west, the Western continues to pump out interesting works. In recent years, filmmakers have increasingly exercised considerable creativity in enmeshing western tropes with the horror, comedy and thriller genres – taking a distinct landscape and pitting their inhabitants against new dilemmas with subversive twists. For reference, films such as the brutally frightening Bone Tomahawk and the whip-paced Ron Howard-helmed The Missing have successfully mashed two fairly disaprate filmic styles together to craft stark and unsettling cocktails. The western’s evolution has seen important films released from the 40s till the present day, and many owe a debt, or at the very least a tip of the fedora or stetson to, noir and crime thriller. The psychological-inflected western intitially channelled and drew upon wartime paranoia and often imbued its characters with layers of regret, uncertainty, brooding and deep-seated sadness in much the way noir does. Below is a list of films one could characterize as being of the psychological western mould – that is a revisionist take on the genre which, while retaining common themes and visual cues, deals increasingly with interpersonal relationships and the darkness associated with minds plagued by haunted histories. Tormented psyches aplenty, audiences kept guessing in the dark. The films below offer darker thrills or the kind of domestic emotional whirlwinds more commonly found in classic melodrama. Or both. Less linear, more layered, sometimes rife with flashbacks, and often dealing with the enemy within and the torments of the past as much as the threat of a wayward bandit or indominable gunslinger."
  12. Taste of Cinema: The 20 Best Action Movies Of The 21st Century's icon

    Taste of Cinema: The 20 Best Action Movies Of The 21st Century

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. The 21st century has been kind to the action genre: big-spectacle, high-budget films have become hot commodities once more after limping through the 1990s hobbled by waning interest in big muscles, big guns, and big explosions. Instead, bigger was not only better but necessary to draw back increasingly shrinking audience engagement in action films. The results have moved the needle significantly as a result, where nearly every year in the 21st century has produced incredible action films – maybe even the best ever. Not an automatic draw as they once were, action films got a lot smarter as a result: complex protagonists, plots, and scenarios began to populate the genre, with filmmakers realizing a cool kill and lots of explosions won’t draw the audience into action movies like they used to. As a result, the quality of plot and characterizations got a lot better in the new century, with unexpected juxtapositions producing action films that were actual good films in their own right. With that, let’s take a look at the 20 best action movies of the 21st century so far.
  13. Taste of Cinema: The 20 Best Thriller Movies of The 1990s's icon

    Taste of Cinema: The 20 Best Thriller Movies of The 1990s

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. If there’s something that every movie buff can agree on, it’s that the 1990s were a pretty fun decade for film. The emergence of a new wave of indie American cinema, spearheaded by the likes of Richard Linklater, Quentin Tarantino, and Paul Thomas Anderson, busted open Hollywood and produced a bounty of stone-cold classics that are still revered to this day. This in turn encouraged big studios to pour money into bold stories and risky releases that could pay off by recouping their budget on the home video. Combing through likely titles for this round-up of thrillers, strong cases can be made for a plethora of missing films, from cultural touchstones like “The Sixth Sense”, “Misery” or “Face/Off” to subversive neo-noirs like “The Player”, “Carlito’s Way” and “The Game”. Likewise, genre-blending masterpieces like “Jackie Brown”, “Pulp Fiction”, or “Barton Fink” each deserve a big shout out but seem to belong to another subgenre altogether. The list below represents an attempt to gauge the essence of the thriller in the 1990s, from critics’ darlings to underseen gems that fell by the wayside but are worthy of your time.
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