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iCheckMovies allows you to check many different top lists, ranging from the all-time top 250 movies to the best science-fiction movies. Please select the top list you are interested in, which will show you the movies in that list, and you can start checking them!

  1. Available online with English subtitles: Kosovo's icon

    Available online with English subtitles: Kosovo

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  2. Available online with English subtitles: Montenegro's icon

    Available online with English subtitles: Montenegro

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  3. Available online without English subtitles: Kosovo's icon

    Available online without English subtitles: Kosovo

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  4. Available online without English subtitles: Montenegro's icon

    Available online without English subtitles: Montenegro

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  5. Ex-Yugoslav Film Canon's icon

    Ex-Yugoslav Film Canon

    Favs/dislikes: 13:0. A personal selection of best feature films (over 40mins) in chronological order made in Yugoslavia and seven countries that went on independent: Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Kosovo. The selection is open to changes at any time.
  6. Favourite music videos from ex-Yugoslavia's icon

    Favourite music videos from ex-Yugoslavia

    Favs/dislikes: 1:0. Mario's taste. No shitty music included.
  7. First-ever Feature Film by Country's icon

    First-ever Feature Film by Country

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. First feature-length films (over 40 minutes) produced by all countries/territories listed on IMDb that exist today + UK entities separately. The location of film production studios within present day borders + directors' nationalities defined these entries. As I'm not 100% sure about correct data, any remark would be most welcomed.
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