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Jashezilla's avatar


Actually really opened up my eyes to what's actually happening around us and done in a stylish way with an amazing soundtrack and an awesome frontrunner.
7 years 5 months ago
justwannaboogie's avatar


Every living person with a moral compass should see this.
7 years 5 months ago
boulderman's avatar


Very good, I wish there was more, it's not the best but limit yourself to beef once a week at most. It's better dermatology too to shower every three days 7/10
1 year 6 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Before the Flood is Leonardo DiCaprio's response to being made United Nations envoy in matters relating to the environment. Like An Inconvenient Truth, it looks at climate change's effects all around the world, and spends a fair amount of time explaining the science and exposing the practices and policies that are making the situation worse every day. It's a depressing piece of film, of course, even more so 2 years after it was made, as any hope it gives seems to have been destroyed by the current U.S. regime's corporate agenda. The message is valuable, to be sure, but there's an important discrepancy between DiCaprio's written voice-over, which is good, and his onscreen presence where he's mostly stunned, repeating an expert's words to make sure he gets it, or lobbing soft questions at politicians. At least his high profile means more people might see this and start to believe climate change is real and, if addressed soon, eventually reversible.
5 years 11 months ago
ynrozturk's avatar


Absolute must watch.
6 years 2 months ago
Zils's avatar


Must see I think, even though it hurts when I watch, it helps to realise how severe this all is :(, watch for free untill the 6th of November!
7 years 5 months ago
bathkuyp's avatar


An Inconvenient Truth part 2
7 years 5 months ago
wilyhawk's avatar


Yes the earth is heating up, humans alone are not causing it. The earth goes through centuries of heating and cooling on its own.
Taking action to be better humans is good, and yes we should fix many things, but the provisions in the Paris Climate Agreement are not the way. Read it for yourself. It was created by greedy corrupt people.
2 years 11 months ago
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