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Siskoid's avatar


Being George Clooney talks about a forgotten role in the movie business, that of the dubbing artist. Different countries have different traditions, and while Americans prefer remakes to subtitles or dubs, countries desperate to watch American blockbusters do have strong dubbing traditions. As a native French speaker, I watched a lot of dubbed material before I learned a second language. In many countries, dubs are always the way to go and the biggest stars are usually always dubbed by the same person. Ergo, interviews with many men from across the world who are the voice of George Clooney. The documentary thankfully talks to many voice artists, not just those few, but paints an interesting picture of a part of the industry we scarcely ever think about, how much effort goes into the work, for comparatively little money and recognition. Almost made me feel bad about always insisting on watching films in their original language.
7 years 5 months ago
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