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DJPowWow's avatar


Since the entire horror genre is now flush with "found-footage" style stories, I suppose it would have been silly to think that a Blair Witch sequel would stick to the ambiguity and slow buildup of tension of the original. Part of the joy of the original Blair Witch Project was the ambiguity of its ending. You weren't really meant to know if anything seen on the film was truly supernatural or not. Since that's not really an option in the sequel, instead we get a movie that tries to quickly get to all of the supernatural scares and completely undercutting any spooky tension of the original. You also see a lot more blood (the original is practically bloodless) and even spoiler. It really adds nothing to the genre or to the Blair Witch series itself.
Perhaps the only thing it shares with the original is the nauseatingly shaky camera work. Make sure to take a Dramamine before seeing it.
7 years 7 months ago
popfactor's avatar


Effectively stressful in parts although it didn't bring anything new to the table. Felt like a montage of several movies I'd seen before.
7 years 7 months ago
ryano1076's avatar


If a tree falls on someone in the forest and no one is there to film it, did it really happen?
1 year 9 months ago
BLJNBrouwer's avatar


That house sequence....
7 years 6 months ago
Jashezilla's avatar


I think this was actually so much better than The Blair Witch Project with fresher characters, a scarier tone and actually quite a lot of mystery and mythology thrown into the mix. Love both the movies but totally loved this one so much more.
7 years 6 months ago
americanadian25's avatar


It has its moments, just not enough of them.
7 years 6 months ago
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