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akuma587's avatar


My favorite chick flick. Pretty hillarious.
14 years 2 months ago
yukononun's avatar


The first half was quite generic and unmemorable (and contained a few too many embarrassing/cringey moments), but the second half (starting around the blue soup scene) was very enjoyable and contained a few laugh-out-loud moments. If the whole film was like that, then it definitely would've been one of my favourite romcoms. As it stands, though...it's fine, but not great.
10 months 1 week ago
eoveikur's avatar


11 years 10 months ago
killerfembot's avatar


This chick flick contains almost everything I hate about chick flicks - useless attempts to make gorgeous leading lady look "average", love pentagons, cheesy music - and yet, that was an incredibly enjoyable 97 minutes of my life. Yay :)
12 years 4 months ago
halcain's avatar


A great movie that never gets old!
7 years 11 months ago
JG94's avatar


it has aged like milk
3 years 1 month ago
Siskoid's avatar


I understand why Bridget Jones' Diary was a big hit, and perhaps hindsight is confusing my senses because its formula has been adopted by later, more confident films, but Renee Zellweger's big star-making romcom did not work for me. Oh there are some good bits, and the actors are generally engaging (oh look, BSG's Baltar!), but it kept undoing what it was trying to do, I felt. So while on the one hand, the film is a feministisc statement that women should be comfortable as they are and not have to live up to some patriarchal standard of beauty, Bridget does her very best to live up to it, and in any case, it's that tired old movie trope where we all have to pretend a very pretty actress is actually unattractive. What bugger me most though is that because this is meant to be the Diary talking, the movie seemed to take fantastical turns, which surely, would have been all in her imagination (the boss she lusts after suddenly sending her dirty emails, and so on), but then these turn out to really happen, with very little motivation! And please, leave the "healing power of adultery" trope to Woody Allen, he's the only one who can make it work, frankly, and not even 100% of the time. So I didn't believe much of anything in this film, not its female empowerment, not its male characters certainly... It felt as contrived as Zellweger's British accent.
8 years 3 months ago
nowhereman136's avatar


wtf Mr Darcy


had its funny moments but overall kinda forgettable IMO. It wouldve been better as a tv series with all its subplots going all over the place. 6/10
11 months 2 weeks ago
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