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Nuked's avatar


Emiam wrote:
It's not 40 minutes, it's 58 minutes - please can someone tell IMDb so they listen!?
They somehow don't trust me.

Not as good as Shoah of course, but it adds a few interesting things indeed.

IMDb says the 58 minute version is the tv version. If it were 58 minutes, it wouldn't have been eligible for the short doc academy award nom., so a 40 minute version definitely exists.

Also, to say that a 40 min doc is not as good as a 9-hour doc is beyond ridiculous. First of all, it's not trying to be Shoah. Secondly, one is about 14 times longer than the other. How would you ever go about comparing the two? Ridiculous.
8 years 3 months ago
allisoncm's avatar


HBO NOW (streaming)

This version is 40 mins.
6 years 9 months ago
Emiam's avatar


It's not 40 minutes, it's 58 minutes - please can someone tell IMDb so they listen!?
They somehow don't trust me.

Not as good as Shoah of course, but it adds a few interesting things indeed.
8 years 4 months ago
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