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_scylla's avatar


beautiful sounds
7 years 2 months ago
gbpxl's avatar


In an age when in a few clicks, one can find the most perverted, explicit, hardcore pornography anyone could ever dream up, IT is a reminder of a time long before the advent of internet porn and when there was still such a thing as foreplay. The leadup to the action is often times better than the action itself, and most of the film is just "leadup." The film is also a time capsule of a time before breast implants, tons of makeup, fake tan, and um... "more natural" features. what impressed me most with the film is how they were able to do so much with so little. the dialogue and action seem natural and at times I almost felt as though I were watching a documentary. The cinematography and set design were beautiful. It has a look similar to that of Werner Herzog's early films. This is the first Arrow Video release I have seen and I will be buying more of their releases in the future. Only the French could make a film that so beautifully captures :::sensuality:::
4 years 3 months ago
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