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135 min.
Alexander Payne
Drama, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Rating *
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1.9% (1:53)
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  1. devilsadvocado's avatar


    Sometimes what looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, smells like a not actually a duck. This should have been a great movie, with high caliber directing (Payne), first rate acting (Damon, Waltz, Chau), and a fantastic concept/message (downsizing). So what went wrong?

    I feel like this may have been an over-commitment to the core concept of downsizing as a story, and a resulting forced narrative with no real tracks beneath it. Payne has done well with loose, meandering scripts before, but Downsizing was loose to the point of being shapeless.

    Utterly disappointing if not for the fact that this was still a perfectly entertaining film. I don't regret those two hours even given the blatantly shoddy aspects of the piece.
    6 years 10 months ago
  2. Nilsmedskills's avatar


    I think people are way to harsh with their reviews on here and it should have a higher score on IMDb as well.... I liked it! 5 years 4 months ago
  3. yukononun's avatar


    I made the mistake of watching the trailer before I saw the film, because the film ended up being very different. The trailer gave me a Walter Mitty (which I love) vibe, but I barely felt it in the movie.
    Normally that would be fine, since I mainly just wanted to see life in a small world. I didn't really get to see much of that, either. Honestly, the first and second half felt like two different movies, at least to me anyway. The ending was also very abrupt, and I couldn't help but feel glum (due to the whole spoiler) afterwards.

    I just felt like it could've been so much more. It could've shown so many things, it could've been so incredibly fascinating. Instead, after the amazement wore off I mainly just felt like I was watching small people spoiler There were a few moments and cues that reminded me that they were small, but it just felt so unfulfilling, with such incredibly wasted potential.

    Apparently (judging by some of the comments) this means that I don't "get it" and either need to watch it a million times or put on my thinking cap. I really don't want to do that, though. I'll leave that to someone else instead.
    It was good, but I wouldn't see it again.
    6 years 7 months ago
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