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TomReagan's avatar


I disagree with HellOui’s review. We always assumed Jesse would be ok, riding into the sunset, because he had been through so much hell. But that’s just it: after what he had been through, he deserved a better ending. This is exactly what that is. And does it so perfectly. And if nothing else, it’s an absolute joy to be in that universe with Jessie for 2 hours. Necessary and I loved every minute.
4 years 7 months ago
ryano1076's avatar


I also disagree with @HellOui, and @TomReagan said it perfectly. You just assumed that Jesse lives happily ever after because he escaped at the end of BB, but as this proved, there's more to that story. He's still a fugitive at large, so he can't just go back to living his life. This shows all of the additional obstacles that he faced just to escape into a life of anonymity. The callbacks were so great, you got to see even more of what a complete psychopath Todd was, and the flashback to spoiler at the end was absolutely everything.
Was it "necessary" to complete Breaking Bad as a series? Well, no. But was it a very welcomed epilogue to the story? Abso-freakin-lutely.
4 years 7 months ago
Worzel's avatar


With low or no expectations I was pleasantly surprised. So many TV to movie adaptations play off the same old stuff you know already but this one managed to reconnect with old threads and characters without feeling cheesy.

RIP Robert Forster (Ed the fixer/vacuum salesman) died the day of release.
4 years 7 months ago
HellOui's avatar


SPOLIERS, don't read if you haven't seen it...

Just an off the cuff reaction of this, having not read any other reviews, haven't even seen any on the internet yet. The Deadwood Movie was quite satisfying for me because it put some closure on a show that wasn't planned to be finished, and also a long time had passed. Breaking Bad has Better Call Saul keeping us involved in that whole universe, and imo the final season of Breaking Bad is the greatest season of television ever, it ended at it's peak, it ended more or less perfectly, with Jesse driving off into the unknown. Sure, it was fun to see these characters again, it was well made and well acted ofc, but what was it really? A 2 hour long, average (by Breaking Bad standards) quality episode of the show that adds nothing to the overall story, Jesse kills some randos, and then ends with him driving off into the unknown again. It was fine, I ain't mad at it, but utterly unnecessary.
4 years 7 months ago
buc86's avatar


This idea that this movie was unnecessary is just not true. Jessie would have been a wanted man after escaping a meth lab with his finger pints all over it and a pile of bodies nearby. Obviously, we assumed he ended up being okay for the last six years, Breaking Bad wouldn't have ended there if that wasn't the case. But we didn't know exactly how he ended up escaping or what he did. it's something fans have been speculating about for the last few years and now they have an actual answer.
It also shows how Jessie has evolved as a character in the time he's worked with Walt. spoiler
Some have said the flashbacks felt a bit too much like fanservice, but the only one that felt like that was the one with Jane, the rest all felt like they were relevant to the plot.
Todd is a really fascinating character with the way he does all these terrible and outright disturbing things but thinks nothing of it, it's just like housework to him.
I have a few minor issues, I don't think the whole thing needed to be told from Jessie's POV. I would like to have seen spoiler There are also a few too many coincidences spoiler and lastly about the ending spoiler
But still very good overall, one par with a typical Breaking Bad episode I'd say.
4 years 7 months ago
On cinema at the cinema's avatar

On cinema at the cinema

Absolutely loved it. 6 bloody bags of popcorn, and a bag of crystal blue persuasion
3 years 11 months ago
Panunzio's avatar


A fitting elegy to Breaking Bad. It feels a lot like an episode of the series. Unfortunately, it lacks the sense of urgency or dread that marked some of the show's best moments.
4 years 6 months ago
MrDoog's avatar


A fun unnecessary stroll down memory lane.
4 years 7 months ago
dajmasta94's avatar


Ehh, I honestly just don’t feel like this was very necessary. A couple of good moments, but something just felt awkward about it to me. I was pretty fine with the vagueness of jesses ending, the details were of course entertaining to watch but the basics of what we get here I really did just assume already. Not something I think I’ll ever feel the need to revisit.
4 years 7 months ago
boulderman's avatar


Way too slow. It's a movie not TV. I didn't think it was watch working, rewatched BBv after reading plaudits. Disappointed
3 years 7 months ago
dantheman89's avatar


Was ok - obviously not up to how awesome the show was. Of course it's unnecessary and the trying to milk the references/fan service is pretty cringy - but no point getting your panties twisted over a TV show that's been of the air for 5+ years.
4 years 7 months ago
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