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Siskoid's avatar


In Eye of the Needle, Donald Sutherland plays a ruthless spy for the German side who needs to get out of the UK to relay what he's learned about D-Day. This isn't one of those revisionist stories where the enemy is valiant and you respect his patriotism or whatever. He's a brutal killer who, in fact, is quicker to kill than to use spycraft. So you want to see how far he gets, but still hope he doesn't get too far (and historically, he can't). The second half of the film more or less devolves into a "woman under threat" thriller, as "The Needle" ingratiates himself to a lonely woman living on an island with her crippled husband and her son until he can make contact with a U-boat. A taunt thriller that certainly retains some power through the last act, but leaves one wanting as an espionage film.
8 years 5 months ago
nicolaskrizan's avatar


sparse, tense thriller – not in the book

8 years 9 months ago
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