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BadFluffy's avatar


It's 10 mn of plot you have already seen 20 times in the franchise alone, extended over 3 movies of over 2 hours by sheer force of... 200 stunt scenes you have already seen before in the franchise alone.
Honestly trying so hard to feel significant that it's exhausting.
The amount of pointless cameos alone is enough to leave you jaded.
1 year ago
Toastinator's avatar


This movie is incredibly stupid, occasionally in an entertaining way but most of the time I was just bored. The plot makes absolutely no sense, there are way too many characters that have nothing to do, the dialog is horrible and most of the action is boring. Dominic Toretto may be the most boring main character in a big movie franchise. The best parts of the movie are the ones with John Cena and even those are dragged down because of some stupid kid.

I can imagine a small child enjoying this movie on the most superficial level but I don't recommend it to anyone else.
1 year 1 month ago
FireFox1's avatar


They are bringing unrealistic movies to a whole new level of idiocracy.
1 year 1 month ago
252's avatar


It's basically a recap of everything that came before.
1 year ago
samoan's avatar


This movie is pretty boring and not good. Honestly, this franchise should have ended with this movie, we don't need 2 more. The jokes aren't funny, and the action scenes at this point just feel repetitive or extremely unrealistic.

The first 6 minutes of this movie show Jason Momoa was in Fast 6 (no he wasn't and the insertion of him in the previous film scenes looked pretty fake) was not good and was just pointless in my opinion but at least we know it was Dom that created Aquaman.

They got Rita Moreno to be in the movie, Rita Moreno deserves a better movie, she is an A+ class actress.

Jason Momoa is the best part of the movie, he also seems to be the only actor having fun while making this movie.

Also, bringing back spoiler takes all the realism out of the movie.

John Cena was also great. Also, this movie should have really been much shorter it doesn't have enough story to fill 2 hours and 24 minutes. Did it really need to be 2 to 3 movies? Last Tyrese Gibson is really not funny in this nor in most of the previous ones, They really could have spent less money and time having so many unnecessary guests. Every other scene felt like the movie was going oh look who it is, we got x actor to be in this movie hehe, this character is connected to that character from a previous movie aren't we clever, or this scene doesn't advance the plot or is in any way necessary but we don't delete scenes. spoiler While not as bad as Fast 9, it is still pretty bad.

Overall the acting from the series regulars really felt like they just didn't care anymore and were picking up a paycheck. But hey it is about Family and also uses the word Family more than any other one of the movies. In some scenes, it is mentioned multiple times in a row. Honestly, it almost feels like a parody of the franchise.
9 months 1 week ago
peterskb45's avatar


Fast10: Your Seatbelts
1 year ago
boulderman's avatar


It's ok in terms of inventive action (CGI generally holds up and I know they do a fair amount of real effects), the story isn't terrible but the unexplained jumps from someone on the suddenly being in prison to someone who was broke and then years later owns a city (no explanation).

Dialogue isn't bad.

Jason plays The Joker (even before the references to being diagnosed a psychopath and "cause chaos".

I can't stand the repeated Americanisms "I gotta get me one of these" etc.

Acting wasn't great, Vin in particular
3 months 1 week ago
danisanna's avatar


They've made like X films too many of this franchise. Utter garbage.
5 months 1 week ago
Siskoid's avatar


The Fast and Furious franchise is coming to an "end", in quotation marks because Fast X is the finale, Part 1 of 3. It DOES feel a lot like Avengers: Infinity War/Endgame, in that the movies now have an enormous amount of starring characters that are catered to while still adding more. Endgame, but the villain is the Joker. No really. Jason Mamoa is flamboyant, does the "choose between two evils" thing from The Dark Knight, tapes up dead bodies in a grin, and drives a purple car. Well... damn sight better Joker than we've seen since TDK. Otherwise, it's the same crazy car action we've gotten used to, shot while physics were out to lunch. It's amusing. The connective tissue isn't particularly strong, however, dialog never having been on of F&F's strengths (or delivery of such, for that matter, you can really tell that Statham is a notch above as an actor, because he can sell what many can't). Good finale vibes with characters potentially not surviving, and lots of call backs to previous films (I don't mean all the recaps, those are rubbish), but as it doesn't get to the finish line, it's not one of the better instalments.
1 year ago
chunkylefunga's avatar


Better than the last one but boy did Momoa overact every scene he was in.

Not sure this storyline has the legs for a trilogy.

Confident the 2nd one is going to be very poor with the last one begin up the pieces.
1 year ago
nowhereman136's avatar


If you liked the last few movies, you are gonna love this

if you didnt like the last few movies, you are gonna hate this

i thought it was very entertaining, albeit very dumb

1 year 1 month ago
CodeV's avatar


A lot of quality action by Toretto family. Jason Momoa is a good choice; he outplays everyone.
Don't expect everything will be answered in the end, this is the first part of the current story.
And don't hurry outside, there will be someone after the visual credits...
1 year 1 month ago
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