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Siskoid's avatar


Flying (AKA Dream to Believe AKA Teenage Dream if you're looking at the VHS tape where they put Olivia D'Abo and Keanu Reeves as their older, more heart-throbby selves) is a Canadian gymnastics competition movie dripping with melodrama that could almost work as a musical. The soundtrack keeps delivering fun 80s pop tunes (none of which are recognizable) either to support routines or as the characters break into frequent montage. At its best, the movie moves into completely bonkers sequences. D'Abo dancing in a darkened warehouse for a security guard is an early dissonant image, but the dangerous tumble-off outside the club, and D'Abo running halfway across town to get to her competition and, unwinded, proceeds to do the routine of her life, are stand-outs and show just what could have been accomplished if they really leaned into testosteronal sports tropes. As is, it's high school melodrama - a lot of the dramatic hits truly come out of nowhere just to make D'Abo's life hell - about the cutthroat world of gymnastics. Keanu plays the would-be boyfriend in a subplot that allows him to be a little goofy, but mostly steady and supportive.
4 years 11 months ago
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