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hawkrobe's avatar


In some ways, having this documentary about what could have been is more profound than having the actual Dune itself (although you can't help but wonder what it would have been like...) To me, this was a story about how our imaginations can sometimes do a better job than the best technology.
9 years 10 months ago
the3rdman's avatar


It would have been so great if this film was actually realized, but it is entirely obvious why it was not. It isn't, as director Nicolas Winding Refn argues near the end of the film, that Jodorowsky's Dune was too "dangerous" or "frightening" for to accept--it's rather that it was not commercial enough to justify investment from major studios. In the end it seems much more obvious for a story like this to be released as a comic, as it (sort of) was in the Incal and Metabarons books. It's unfortunate but unsurprising that the entertainment industry is primarily a capitalist affair.
You have to laugh a bit about how seriously everybody took this project, but delusions of grandeur sometimes produce great art and you can really sense the passion that Jodorowsky and his collaborators had for it. It's fascinating to see the seeds sown across contemporary science fiction by those involved, especially O'Bannon and Jean Giraud (Moebius). But it's more fun to daydream about the direction science fiction cinema might have taken had Jodorowsky's crazy vision been completed.
9 years 10 months ago
fonz's avatar


I want to imagine a parallel universe where this actually got made and everyone there lives in a state of eternal bliss and contentment. There is no violence nor suffering and everyone exists harmoniously with nature and each other.
9 years 11 months ago
MoutardedShroom's avatar


Gorgeous documentary. It infects you with its passion
9 years 10 months ago
viccc's avatar


Jodorowsky comes across as a madman-genius, a beautiful soul, a true artist. Nicolas Winding Refn, on the other hand, comes across as an insufferable blowhard: "I'm the only one who has seen Dune" (because he got to look at the storyboard).
3 years 7 months ago
Simon Wilbert's avatar

Simon Wilbert

The moment when alejandro breaks down with frustration after talking about being turned down by all of the major studios had me almost in tears, true pain.
A very important documentary, fascinating and inspiring.
6 years 7 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Jodorowsky's Dune is a documentary about a film that was never made, probably could never be made, but it's also a portrait of one of the '70s strangest directors/visionaries, which kind of puts it in the same category as Crumb for me. Now, I have a past with both Dune (have read the book several times, hated the Lynch film, rather a fan of the Sci-Fi mini-series) and Alejandro Jodorowsky (have seen his films, read his comics, seen him in interviews before) so the movie doesn't seem as shocking and strange as it might others. I love "troubled film" narratives (Hearts of Darkness, etc.) and this is one of them. But where the story is usually about heaps of problems followed by a miraculous success, Jodorowsky's Dune seems blessed by amazing and unbelievable luck, yet ends in rather predictable and mundane failure. Though his mystical, poetic, surreal Dune wasn't feasible in 1975, it did assemble a team of creative types who would go on to put their stamp on cinematic SF in the very near future, taking what they'd learned and made during pre-production and bringing it to other projects. The documentary's thesis, then, is that it's the most influential movie never made. You be the judge, but it's probably true, no matter how fantastical some of the story is. Either it all happened as told, or it really should have, either way, it's an entertaining tale. Its accidental theme is the opposition of art and industry, really. The DVD also includes about 45 minutes of deleted material, which may redeem Jodorowsky in some audience's eyes regarding his apparent naivety (if not other elements), all quite interesting and useful in understanding just what happened.
8 years 10 months ago
Lyralio's avatar


I was told to watch this movie because, and I quote, "It's a movie about willpower." And they were right. Even if in the end it was all for naught, Jodorowsky's passion and commitment to his cause were not only an amazing sight to behold, but also incredibly inspiring. So in reality, it wasn't all for naught. It gave us one heck of a fascinating story to enjoy.
8 years 10 months ago
cathedra's avatar


i fell truly in love with this, maybe dune couldn't has existed but to many of us, it really exists.
9 years 5 months ago
fakirfikir's avatar


Whatever Jodorowsky is in, he make it beautiful, artistic and aesthetic.
7 years ago
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