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163 min.
Christopher McQuarrie
Action, Adventure, Thriller
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5.5% (1:18)
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  1. boulderman's avatar


    Never had a decent baddie and this is the worst

    Hammy scene during the nightclub scene

    Actors cast to type and poor dialogue

    Not great acting.

    At times the film felt like Saw at others Jerry McGuire

    Weak Mcguffin and a changing of the guard for a certain role type

    Simon Pegg didn't get one laugh, that can't from a great spoiler scene

    The AI makes more noise than Sauron!


    Final 30 minutes were fairly fantastic

    Tom also does he's trademark smiling, looks down and shaking his head

    Costume get it wrong as they all should be using clip on ties

    Thunderously on point theme track throughout.... Listening to the subway again now

    The next film is in space as they take out a satellite
    8 months 3 weeks ago
  2. Siskoid's avatar


    The new Mission: Impossible movie, Dead Reckoning (Part One), is well-titled given that the team is truly running this mission blind, improvising like they never have before, real seat of your pants stuff. That's a little bit off-model, but I'm hoping for a return to form in Part Two. The big bad is ripped from the headlines, a sentient A.I. that has designs on world domination and some slick, eccentric agents of its own (including Pom "Mantis" Klementieff as an anime girl assassin), forcing the IMF to go more and more analog, with the promise of tech solutions that feel more like the TV series than all the hacking in the movies. Because of the dreaded 2-part structure (what is it with 2023 and Part Ones?), this chapter is essentially a chase for an elaborate MacGuffin, relentless but well-paced, with all the quality stunts you expect from a Tom Cruise production. All the publicity was about that motorcycle parachute jump, but it's far from the best set piece (for me? the climax on the Orient Express). But I think what helps the film is how much humor has been injected into this one (perhaps to cover the MacGuffinism and the heavier moments). Simon Pegg has usually been the comic relief and that's been most of it, but here there's a lot of fun to be had besides. The higher-ups who can't believe the IMF is a thing, the comedy double act of the two government agents sent after Ethan Hunt (they're in their own buddy cop movie and very funny), Ethan's general tiredness and his having to train a new member of the team who isn't adept at EVERYthing yet (Hayley Atwell, who is awesome in this as an international jewel thief). As usual, a great time at the movies, and though a Part One, it satisfyingly feels at the end like things have been accomplished. And as we near a finale for the film series, they also go into some of the back story of Ethan and lore of the IMF. 9 months 2 weeks ago
  3. baraka92's avatar


    In which Tom Cruise's usual analogue subtext becomes text. Like in Maverick, he keeps championing the human factor over anything that can be predicted.

    Fallout remains the gold standard, but this is probably the most entertaining entry so far. It just feels like a string of set pieces. Even the dialogue scenes cut to the point and move on very quickly. spoiler
    Loved that Vanessa Kirby had more to do than in the last movie. The rest of the cast is as great as always. That Fiat 500 was the best new character, although Hayley Atwell won me over the course of the movie.

    Overall, this only adds to the high reputation of the franchise.
    Can't wait to find out how Cruise and McQuarrie plan to end this.
    9 months 3 weeks ago
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