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thestuman101694's avatar


To any Hammer Film or Lovecraft fan, if you are not quite sure if you want to watch this film, perhaps this dialogue exchange will persuade you:

Peter Cushing: "Are you telling me that an ape that lived two million years ago got out of that crate, killed the baggage man and put him in there, then locked everything up neat and tidy, and got away?"
Christopher Lee: "YES, I AM! IT'S ALIVE! IT MUST BE!"

This is a horror movie that would scare the pants off Darwin (although, mostly due to scientific inaccuracy).
3 years 2 months ago
Shidan's avatar


I saw some flaws in it, but the good aspects are amazing.
Some shots and scenes are very effective, it gets a little repetitive in the killing scenes, but I still enjoyed them. Mostly because the makeup of the victims and the creature is very good, and the red eye of the original creature is actually scary.
The music is very distinct, it reminds me of Ennio Morricone, and I wasn't expecting something like that in this movie.
Also, some of the acting is very enjoyable, specially Christopher Lee.

It is incredible how this film, even when it could be better, still is more unique and terrifying than 90% of the new horror films. When now it is common to see similar horror movies in the theater, I really don't think it would be easy to find a movie like this one, the kind of atmosphere and narrative. I've seen the elements this film has, but I haven't seen them put together in this way (didn't always work, but it was interesting)
11 months 4 weeks ago
Siskoid's avatar


Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing team up on the Horror Express to fight a threat out of Quatermass. There's definitely that franchise's mix of supernatural and science fiction at work, as a mummified caveman found in China turns out to be the vessel for some kind of evil during a trip through Siberia, the truth of which keeps shifting as the characters' understanding of it does, but if it's meant to keep us guessing, they fall a little short of that goal. Oh, it's not the pseudo-science that explains the monster's origins, but rather that it kills and kills and kills, always in the same way. It all gets a bit repetitive. Also too bad we don't get more of Telly Savalas' boisterous Cossack. He's definitely a more interesting character than the poorly characterized Mad Monk we're mostly stuck with though the length of the film (but then, what's a Lovecraftian entity without a good cultist to worship it?).
5 years 4 months ago
Oneironaut's avatar


Pretty good, had a "The Thing" vibe to it.

Didn't like Telly Savalas in it though, good thing he wasn't in it much.
12 years 2 months ago
Dr No's avatar

Dr No

13 years 2 months ago
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