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Siskoid's avatar


Legendary Weapons of China is a weird, supernatural thriller by Shaw Bros. director Lau Kar-Leung, that is far less comedic than what he's gotten us used to, especially given the participation of Gordon Liu, Kara Hui and Hsiao Ho, who've all been in his comedies before. The main comedy element is left to Fu Sheng who is more of a Chang Cheh actor. A bit difficult to get into because it features some strange "magical" fighting and disjointed editing, the film soon settles down into a tale of magical assassins out to kill a retired martial arts master (played by the director). The final, interminable fight uses all 18 of the Shaolin weapons, and shows, in Lau style, that cheap gimmicks and magic are no match for true kung fu. But in getting there, you'll see stuff you've never seen before. Voodoo dolls making people fight for you, acid spit, exploding flash paper hits, and hypnosis that can make you, uhm, dismember yourself. Never mind the plot, check it out for the insane action. It's almost wall to wall anyway.
8 years 10 months ago
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