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Siskoid's avatar


Justin Lin's first movie (co-directed with Quentin Lee), Shopping for Fangs, is a low-budget, but stylish, majority Asian-cast indie about self-discovery (a great subject for one's first feature), but also the communicability (or infectiousness) of things other than diseases - ideas, fashions, violence too. There are three characters whose stories bump up against one another. Trihn is a a rock'em sock'em gun-toting waitress whose interactions are mostly with a young John Cho; she's know who she is because she created herself - she's a character. Phil is a shy, frustrated wage slave who believes he's suffering from a bout of lycanthropy, but could he just be so fed up with life's disappointments that he's ready to become someone else? (I was 27 when I became a werewolf, so I relate.) And Katherine is a lonely married woman who you MIGHT suspect as another werewolf because she has long blackouts that should worry her more than they do. Each of them represents a different level/stage of choosing, so it all works thematically, even if you often wish it didn't feel like different movies brushing up against one another (the Pulp Fiction influence is real, but the genre mixing pushes us away from the Avery/Tarantino connection). I had a lot of fun with it regardless.
1 year 8 months ago
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