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yukononun's avatar


Appallingly bad. They took every single cliché they could find and threw it in the film. Deaths and injuries were also given a Hollywood makeover, resulting in over-the-top cringefests.

Perhaps the most annoying part (other than pretty much everything) was that Natre/Megumi's character was completely changed. Instead of being a näive, shy sweetheart, she spoiler

Despite the gore it was incredibly tame. spoiler They tiptoed around everything and tried to distract viewers from that (plus the bad acting and music) with gore and cheap scares, which makes me wonder why they even bothered to make the movie in the first place. Yeah, money and all that, but look at The Ring or even The Grudge. It's perfectly possible to adapt a movie but keep core themes, scenes and plots intact. They just didn't bother to.

The only thing I found even remotely scary was the cover.
6 years 2 months ago
GremVendetta's avatar


Remake of a great Asian horror film turns out way worse than its predecessor. No surprises there.
8 years 7 months ago
Oneironaut's avatar


Terrible. I'll try out the original to see if it's any better.
12 years 6 months ago
radyokafa's avatar


12 years 7 months ago
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