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Dieguito's avatar


At least the girl is very hot..
12 years 3 months ago
igordebraga's avatar


Along with a slimy alien killing people, tight direction with much suspense, good cast, nice effects (aside from awful CG in the last third) and of course, a smoking hot and mostly naked blonde. Fun if unimpressive.
10 years 7 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Aliens/Predator, but the monster is trying to mate with you. I'm talkin' about Species, a movie that has an incredible cast, including tiny Michelle Williams before she was a star when the alien is a young girl. Some of these acting powerhouses are strictly slumming it, like Ben Kingsley as the obligatory moron-in-charge, but Forest Whitaker's empath is an intriguing and original choice for a monster-hunting team. Sure, Natasha Henstridge isn't a great actress - she's there to get naked mostly - but we spend enough time with her that the monster is as sympathetic as the "heroes". Still, imagine this will 12-year-old Williams (without the sex angle) and you have a much more engaging alien hybrid story. The climax is really badly written, and its use of CG creature effects lets it down further, which is unfortunate. It's probably better than what you'd expect from the era, but still not better than practical prosthetics (which are cool and freaky). Replacing Henstridge with a computer game character devalues the character we got to know in the preceding film and removes any chance of an emotionally charged ending. Oh well.
2 years 6 months ago
xianjiro's avatar


More than anything, felt like a six-hour mini-series was edited down to a two-hour feature. Granted, given the genre, one doesn't expect a great deal of character development but here we get none while lurching from plot point to plot point. I'm sure some will like the action and clearly the naked chick keeps the guys interested but this really felt like a great premise wasted on bad movie making. I file this one under "wretched POS".
5 years 4 months ago
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