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dpanter's avatar


Decent sci-fi with a nice premise, executed well enough to make it a worthwhile viewing.

Actors are somewhat believable even though the story grows fairly ridiculous as the conclusion draws closer. At the end I had trouble accounting for the behavior of several characters. The script would have benefited greatly from a more experienced writers hand.

The special effects are a bit weak and the fight choreography is mostly sub-par. With a UFC star like Michael Bisping present, I really expected better fight scenes, at least when his character was involved.
"The Count" does do his role justice which probably says more about the caliber of the 'professional' actors involved than Michaels acting ability.

Slightly recommended, but don't take it too seriously.
9 years 7 months ago
xxNicollable's avatar


Truth be told, I only watched it for Ian Somerhalder. And he did not disappoint.
9 years 5 months ago
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