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Minkin's avatar


Be alert checkers! There are two completely different versions of this same short film. One was made in 1961 (this is the version that is now on the Badmovies.org list) and a remake with the same narration /storyline /etc made in 1968. Here is a link to the 1961 ICM page: https://www.icheckmovies.com/movies/the+bottle+and+the+throttle-1961/

If you watched one of the black&white versions (as was previously linked in this comments section), then uncheck this 1968 page and check 1961 version - linked to above. Armoreska's link (mod-edit: Armoreska's post removed, link went down) is correct for this page only - as it is the 1968 version.

Annoyingly, a colorized version of the 1961 version exists. - so if you watched a color film, pay attention to the following. Both (61) and (68) films are Sid Davis Productions and revolve around a teenage drunkard named Bill. In case you aren't sure which version you are seeing, here are some differences:

An immediate way to check at the beginning: (61) is sponsored by the Culver City Police Department and Culver City Unified School District. (68) is sponsored by the West Covina Police Department.

(61) has a doctor pointing a ruler at some anatomy charts. (68) has animations depicting the effects of alcohol on the body.

(61) Bill gets a breathalyzer. (68) Bill gets the "finger to nose" sobriety test.

(61) shows a close-up of the mother's face to indicate she's about to be hit by the car. (68) actually shows the mother being hit by the car and rolling off the the front hood.

I'm not sure why Sid Davis remade this film seven years later, and didn't even bother to change the narration. The 68 version is far superior - thanks to the animations, the more graphic/shocking depictions of the car accident, and the camera tricks to simulate the effects of alcohol on your driving (tunnel vision, etc).
8 years 2 months ago
essaywhu's avatar


Is there more than one version of this film? Both links provided by other users go to a film that was made in 1961, but this is listed as 1968. Does anyone know what's up?
8 years 2 months ago
criscoJovan's avatar


Also here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLQNLMw4hcU
11 years 9 months ago
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