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Siskoid's avatar


The Good German is another Soderbergh experiment, this one stylistic. The idea was to do a 1940s Hollywood picture in the same way these would have been done at the time. The aspect ratio, sound, lighting, camera work, filters, acting style, use of locations and sets, even the casting of major stars (Cate Blanchett is especially convincing), ape the era (I do wish the DVD had some kind of feature on it, but it's completely bare... the Internet provides). What DOESN'T follow the style is the level of violence, nudity and coarse language, which are thoroughly modern (as well as the legally imposed credits and the odd CG clean-up). Can the film sustain the anachronisms? The story, a noir thriller set in American-Russian occupied Berlin, starts out as a romance, then a murder mystery, and finally a conspiracy and is rather plot-heavy. It mostly works and certainly looks gorgeous. Watch it for the look and Blanchett's performance, if nothing else.
8 years 9 months ago
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