Guess i always loved westerns, simpler times, fewer people and after all the action and excitement of the Spaghetti-Westerns - Peter Fondas THE HIRED HAND felt like a natural progression. Just a guy that had enough of the drifter-life and wants back home. Something solid, something to make sense of. A gorgeous, poetic movie accompanied by one of my favorite soundtracks by the great Bruce Langhorn.
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a gem.Carota
interesting, intimate anti-western about inner immigration and broken dreams. nice soundtrack and crispy sound design and very touching at all.zkrat
Guess i always loved westerns, simpler times, fewer people and after all the action and excitement of the Spaghetti-Westerns - Peter Fondas THE HIRED HAND felt like a natural progression. Just a guy that had enough of the drifter-life and wants back home. Something solid, something to make sense of. A gorgeous, poetic movie accompanied by one of my favorite soundtracks by the great Bruce Langhorn.nicolaskrizan
unusually short, unusually low-key