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Ljusbus's avatar


Completely baffled by the amount of positive reviews. This is not good, anywhere. The premise is still as completely ridiculous and idiotic as it was in the first one, plus it's bland, boring, uninteresting and dumb.

And the fact that almost everything that happened in this movie was just a scheme to be explained in the end. I mean come on! Really? There couldn't have been a better way go about that?
10 years 3 months ago
Malena's avatar


I read the books so I can say that the adaptation in this movie is very well handled and even the extra scenes like Snow Granddaughter and Plutarch/Snow interaction fit perfectly. Some parts are left out and I thought it better so.
Jennifer Lawrence is really a great actress, how she conveys her feelings of anger and frustration is extraordinary. I think the game scenes are excellent and better presented in the movie than in the book. The contrast between Panem and the other districts is clearly shown especially with the bright costumes and the constant cheer of the crowds compared to the resentment shown in the districts population.
Definitely the change of the director was a good decision from the producers, it gave the trilogy the needed push.
10 years 4 months ago
DelernBane's avatar


This felt like a movie aimed at people that have read the book rather than a sequel to the movie of The Hunger Games.

I can't remember being quite so disappointed by an ending and I feel no urge to see the 3rd and 4th installments. Such a shame as I loved the first movie.
10 years 5 months ago
sharaths's avatar


fuckin over rated
10 years 5 months ago
mandapuspi's avatar


Am I the only one who likes The Hunger Games more than Catching Fire?
10 years 5 months ago
Berrie's avatar


Whereas I don't like directly comparing books with their film adaptations, I will say that this film had more of an emotional impact on me than the book did. With the first film it was the other way around.

Catching Fire explores the dark themes of the books in an intense manner. Terrifically emotional.
10 years 5 months ago
Oneironaut's avatar


A lot better than the first movie (which I didn't really like). Better characters and setting involved, but it couldn't shake away a blandness that clung to it. Still feels like this trilogy wasn't meant for a big budget adaptation.
10 years 5 months ago
MFORCE310's avatar


Well, I'm a fan. Pretty much agree with u/latautuu. In many ways I thought it was spectacular and a huge improvement on the first film.

However, I had many of the same emotions I had about the first film. I definitely think the PG-13 rating has an impact on the subject matter. The action was definitely more engaging this time around, and Francis Lawrence is clearly a better fit for the franchise, but the movies just aren't brutal enough. Plain and simple, the whole plot revolves around this brutal system the citizens are trapped into. How are we supposed to really fear and hate them if we don't get a genuine impression of what the characters see. Just my opinion.

Additionally, I simply think these movies are most interesting BEFORE the games start, not during them. In the first film I really think the way the games were handled was pretty uninspired. This time they were much better all around, but I think the movies really shine during their first hour or so.

At the end of the day though, I was really impressed with it's bold style of storytelling and faithfulness to the book without being dragged down by it. Great film.
10 years 5 months ago
the3rdman's avatar


A big improvement over the first installment. Maybe it was the change in direction to Francis Lawrence, who is obviously much more capable of creating tense and coherent action sequences, something sorely lacking in the previous film.
Many parts of Catching Fire are campy, unintentionally funny, cheesy, improbable, or simply nonsensical, but on the whole the film is more entertaining, more interesting, and connects on more levels than its predecessors, and I absolutely enjoyed it.
10 years 5 months ago
Jace Lightner's avatar

Jace Lightner

Absolutely brilliant. Much better than the first one (which was epic anyway)
Really advise you all to watch it!
10 years 5 months ago
Jinkla's avatar


Never read a Hunger Games book in my life, but I sure will now.

It was a really fun film that has me eager for the third. If you saw the first, then I think you owe it to yourself to go see Catching Fire.
10 years 5 months ago
KuroSawWhat's avatar


Book fans will be happy to hear that Catching Fire is extremely faithful to the novel and really delivers what you're looking to see. Don't miss it!

Everyone else should definitely be aware that this is the Empire Strikes Back of the Hunger Games trilogy. It continues the thoughts from the first film, does a bit of its own thing, and sets up the next [two] movie[s]. So don't start any Back to the Future Part II-style complaints--I warned you!

All the performances are excellent, and the new director handles the series with aplomb. They get more in-depth with the world of Panem, which was definitely lacking in the previous film, and explore further themes on how the Games are used to manipulate the populace. There's lots of good allegorical references to our society going on, if you care to take notice of it. Catching Fire's story is much darker in tone than Hunger Games was, with some very intense and frightening scenes, so think twice about bringing youngsters who aren't old enough to handle it.

It does suffer a bit from middle-child syndrome, not leaving a super impact, but if you enjoyed the first film, you'll enjoy this one, as well.
10 years 5 months ago


The Good:
A much better film than it's predecessor, it's just far more interesting with the social backdrop playing a far more substantial part in the overall story.

The performances are strong all around with Jennifer Lawrence bringing her game again. Also it was a treat to have Jena Malone in this. I wish she was in everything.

The Bad:
Even with how good this was, I cannot shake the, at times, overwhelming blandness to certain aspects of this series. It was all over the book and the first film, it's lesser here, but something about this series feels wholly generic and blase.
10 years 5 months ago
EdreyV's avatar


this movie was awesome.
10 years 5 months ago
jamesmcavoy's avatar


Really liked this. As a book fan I can say it's pretty true to the original story, but with a lot of added movie goodness, especially Snow/Plutarch scenes which I loved. Ofc some book scenes had to be cut out, that's unevitable, but I don't really feel like anything vital was missing. Everything you need (and want) is there. The victory tour was captivating, I'm pretty sure I cried like four times during that whole thing, but somehow the actual games felt almost rushed. It was all way too quick and when it was over it felt kind of anticlimactic. I'm guessing they wanted to focus on the people in the districts rather than the tributes, to build up a good backstory for Mockingjay, but even though I loved those parts they simply took over a bit too much. The games felt like the background story while the districts were in the foreground. I guess that's kind of accurate with the whole spoiler, but still, the game itself, and especially the relationships between the tributes, could have been better. I did like the film a lot though and I'm excited for the next one already, which I'm sure is going to be brilliant as well. Hopefully non-book fans will be happy to know that there's not another hunger game, which will probably finally end all the "this one is just like the first one" arguments.
10 years 5 months ago

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