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crisxtina's avatar


Purge : Election Year or America in about 2 years if we elect Trump
7 years 9 months ago
georginagg's avatar


Well, of course, the New Founding Fathers *had* to have catholic symbols and rituals. They *had* to be somehow the Other.
7 years 8 months ago
DaniloFreiles's avatar


Frase clou del film: "Non riesco a pensare ad altro che ai waffle e alla passera" (Uomo di 70anni)
4 years 2 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


The Purge: Election Day builds on Anarchy and makes for a much more focused political and action thriller, as an anti-Purge presidential candidate makes her appearance and scares the New Founding Fathers into trying to assassinate her on Purge Night. Her story intersects that of a deli owner desperate to save his business from looters, and his friend, a paramedic who works with the resistance, and unlike the previous film in the franchise, these stories are much better balanced. The action is tighter, the stakes higher, and for fans of the films' horror elements, they play out as surreal vignettes for the main plot to drive through. Until the culty climax, of course, and I still can't get completely aboard though it now seems inevitable, but at least it's part of the story and doesn't come out of left field. It could end here, frankly, but Cloverfield-like, the franchise could have more to tell in and around its premise (and does, since there's a prequel and yet another chapter in production). I would never call the Purge movies any kind of important cinematic achievement (hopefully, we won't feel the need to call them prescient in a few years' time), but they didn't steadily drop in quality the way other B-movies often have.
4 years 7 months ago
Todolojodo's avatar


Menudo putadón de final. Menuda mierda de película.
4 years 9 months ago
Theisch's avatar


Can we get a title change?
7 years 9 months ago
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