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Siskoid's avatar


Bob Hoskins' directorial debut, The Raggedy Rawney, has the feel of an odd modern fairy tale in which a green deserter hides disguised as a mad woman (or is he having a bit of a fit?) following a caravan of travelling folk, where he and Hoskins' daughter (played by Zoƫ Nathenson who played his daughter in Mona Lisa, so it's nice that he wanted to not only work with her again, but give her a lead role) fall in love. If there's a fable vibe to it, it's that the war feels entirely nondescript. No countries are mentioned (the film was shot in the former Czechoslovakia, which looks gorgeous, but it's not said). The enemy is referenced, but never, and is rather presented as the home army, conscripting every young man in sight and committing crimes on its own people. And though the caravan is coded as Romani, the cast is entirely made up of British types (including Dexter Fletcher, Downtown's Jim Carter, and the ubiquitous Ian McNeice) that just give it an unspecified, and therefore universal, feel. And I fell under its dark spell. In this world that already seems like an overgrown ruin, magic is both real and not, a young man is both a coward and not and a father is both kind and cruel.
5 months 2 weeks ago
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