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Rami's avatar


Wonderful, wonderful movie *_* A small masterpiece, in my opinion. So funny, so colourful, so clever and the music is just perfect ^^ I Think is one of the best movie on the Shoah.
13 years 5 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Train de vie (Train of Life) is a bittersweet fantasy about a Jewish village that attempts to escape the Holocaust by posing as a Nazi deportation train, a crazy idea from their village idiot/wise man. Proceeding from that notion, we're introduced to a large cast, lovingly rendered, both funny and touching, contrarians who are often their own worst enemies in this mad endeavor. Especially once communism takes hold in the tail cars, bristling at the villagers playing Nazis up front. Somehow, all the subplots are juggled satisfyingly and there's a real joy for life in the proceedings. Not sure what to think of the controversial ending though, whether it justifies the film's premise or breaks off from it. That's for each audience member to say. It's perhaps expected to say whether one likes this more or less than 1998's better-known Holocaust comedy (especially given that Roberto Benigni was apparently offered the role of Shlomo, turned it down, and THEN made his own film), but Train de vie feels more like Fiddler on the Roof than it does La vita รจ bella.
5 years 5 months ago
nymets138's avatar


Watch it with English subtitles (auto-translate the Spanish subtitles) here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CH6me83XP4c
1 year 6 months ago
mayshake's avatar


I completely agree, Rami.
13 years 3 months ago
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