Brainymcgyver's watchlist movies

  1. 15

    Hotaru no haka

    1988 — a.k.a. Grave of the Fireflies, in 21 top lists Check
  2. 43

    Paths of Glory

    1957, in 26 top lists Check
  3. 72

    The Bridge on the River Kwai

    1957, in 32 top lists Check
  4. 174

    Idi i smotri

    1985 — a.k.a. Come and See, in 26 top lists Check
  5. 184

    La battaglia di Algeri

    1966 — a.k.a. The Battle of Algiers, in 29 top lists Check
  6. 191

    The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas

    2008 — a.k.a. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, in 0 top lists Check
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