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Marasmusine's avatar


I need the caffine!
10 years 4 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


It looks like your usual "unlikable young people get slaughtered" movie, but Waxwork is a tribute to all the old horror movies that have become iconic, as those kids visit a creepy waxwork that means to absorb them into its scenes. In a way, it's the Cabin in the Woods of the '80s. It's a bit slow-going at first, as one youth or another enters the world of an entirely different movie and becomes part of the action until he or she is killed and turned into a wax dummy. The vampire one seems to last forever, and what am I supposed to make of the swashbuckling Marquis de Sade? Is that really a horror thing? If you're looking for an original monster in this thing, it's him. So strange. But they kept the good stuff for the third act, which is just insane, filled with monster cameos, and lots of fun action-horror gags. I was watching it for actors like David Warner, John Rhys-Davies and Patrick Macnee, but Waxwork was entertaining in its own right.
3 years 8 months ago
On cinema at the cinema's avatar

On cinema at the cinema

Well worth a watch. Nothing glamorous, but totally funny
4 years 8 months ago
Oneironaut's avatar


I'm surprised I didn't catch this one earlier. Nice '80s horror with plenty of iconic horror monsters. Quite cheesy, but worth the watch.
11 years 7 months ago
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