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Boei's avatar


Story is ok, nothing special. Action is pretty underwhelming, had expected some nice gunfights and standoffs. But it's mostly running out in the open not getting shot while shooting all the bad guys.
The chemistry between the actors falls short which is a letdown with a nice cast. The 80s soundtrack is ridiculous.
1 year ago
Siskoid's avatar


Though undoubtedly highly fictionalized, I'm actually surprised, upon doing a bit of research, at how much of the Lincoln County War was incorporated into Young Guns, by any other account Brat Pack vehicle that only really shines for me when Jack Palance or Terence Stamp are on screen. Our nominal hero is Emilio Estevez's Billy the Kid, a psychotic portrayal that doesn't engender much sympathy, and even if he puts some energy into the role, there's generally a dullness in both the direction and the acting that makes me lose interest in most of the melodrama and gunplay. Ultimately, it's just a big shoot-out with dramatic interludes, and on both sides of that equation, the motivation for scenes can be lacking - a sudden wedding or the mowing down of an unarmed man become equivalent in that sense. At first, it seemed to be a rocking western for the MTV generation, but director Christopher Cain could have done with more of the off-roading madness of his effort on The Next Karate Kid. His result here is just okay.
2 years 10 months ago
Ray Anselmo's avatar

Ray Anselmo

Loud, stupid. messy and hammy, this is to Westerns what the Transformers movies are to science fiction. 4/10
3 years 3 months ago
boulderman's avatar


Very good. Good car and nice narrative. 7/10
3 years 5 months ago
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