locovoco's comments - page 2

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locovoco's avatar


I just went back to see which films were nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars of 2005...here's your list:

1) Brokeback Mountain
2) Crash
3) Munich
4) Good Night And Good Luck
5) Capote

...Saw 'Crash' which crashed right out of my video collection (in other words, I did not like)...'Capote' I saw sorta went blaah...liked Philip Seymour Hoffman's performance though...'Good Night And Good Luck' should have been called 'Good Yawn And Good Chuck'...Munich and Brokeback Mountain are still on my watch lists but the point I make here is this:

What is Hollywood thinking of when they put movies up for best picture like this while excluding Sin City which is probably better than all of them!!

...time will tell on this one...believe me...just like it did on Citizen Kane
7 years 6 months ago
locovoco's avatar


It's the original 'Britain's Got Talent' wrapped up in a nice Agatha Christie whodunit with a twist of that season of 'Dallas' that was all a dream...
7 years 6 months ago
locovoco's avatar


CLOUD ATLAS is the CITIZEN KANE of the 21st Century...and that's the True-True!

as a side note to dombrewer:

In addition to your reference of the use of 451 in the novel, I would like to add 1 more Revelation:

New Testament:

Revelation 4:1 'Then as I looked I saw a door standing open in heaven, and the same voice I had heard before spoke to me with the sound of a mighty trumpet blast'

Revelation 5:1 'And I saw a scroll in the right hand of the one who was sitting on the throne. There was writing on the inside and outside of the scroll, and it was sealed with seven seals'

(count how many stories are going on within the movie...you said six..you forgot one...the untold story...that makes seven...I'm just saying...)
7 years 7 months ago
locovoco's avatar


CLOUD ATLAS is the CITIZEN KANE of the 21 century and that's the the True-True

a side note to dombrewer: you're also forgetting this,

in accordance with numbers, Revelation 451 can also mean this:

In the Bible, Revelation 4:1

'Then as I looked I saw a door standing open in heaven and the same voice I had heard before spoke to me with the sound of a mighty trumpet blast. The Voice said, 'Come up here and I will show you what must happen after these things'

In the Bible, Revelation 5:1

'And I saw a scroll in the right hand of the one who was sitting on the throne. There was writing on the inside and the outside of the scroll, and it was sealed with seven seals'

(count how many different stories are going on within the movie...)
7 years 7 months ago
locovoco's avatar


The scene near the end when Birju (Sunill Dutt) is hacking away at the door with an axe like a madman so he can get the gun back his mother took from him, I would have fell out if he said:

7 years 8 months ago
locovoco's avatar


The Revenant Schmevenant!- THIS is a survivalist movie! No CGI here, baby!

...and "But bad to kill animals for nothing"....you are so right there Dersu Uzala
7 years 8 months ago
locovoco's avatar


It's 'A Place In The Sun'-only better-I think I'll call it 'A Place In The Sun-Rise: A Song Of Two Humans
7 years 8 months ago
locovoco's avatar


Franco Interlenghi (Pasquale Maggi)

"We're lucky. They feed us, they shelter us, give us clothes-they even entertain us. What else could you want? It's a swell bargain."
7 years 8 months ago
locovoco's avatar


John Heard (Alex Cutter)

"And last, but certainly least is Rastus, the court nigger. (laughs to himself as the other white people around him sit in stunned silence) What? Do I detect some tension? Oh. Come now gentlemen. It's a simple matter of semantics. What are we white well-intentioned liberals supposed to call you cats these days, huh? Blacks? Coloreds? Negroes? Darkies? (laughs to himself again) Jeez, I don't know. What would you call 'em Rich?"

Jeff Bridges (Richard Bone)

"I'd call 'em 'Sir' if I were you."

Thank you Jeff Bridges for building the 'bridges' of equality and beginning to eliminate race and color as an issue.

And one more thing:

'Lieutenant Dan Alex Cutter-you ain't got no legs!'
7 years 8 months ago
locovoco's avatar


Richard Conte (Marine Sgt. James Henry)

"I didn't kill her Susan. I didn't even know her. All I did was buy her a drink. One drink. And for sixty-five cents, I bought a martini mixed with dynamite. The cops dragged me in. They had all the questions and answers. I can usually figure 2 and 2 make 4 but their arithmetic scared me. That dynamite went off like a powder keg. I had the same feeling once before...when I was in a foxhole. The whole world seemed to explode. I had to get out. I got a medal for fighting my way out of that one. I can fight my way out of this one too. I didn't kill her and I can prove it. I spent the night in Vegas with a friend, Paul Valliant, army engineer. He can do wonders with the slide rule. You sit out on a home. Pretty nice place...overlooks the salt and sea from any room in the house. The only trouble is it's sitting in four feet of water. Momma used to say if we own a five room house, seven when the tide is out. Paul thinks he might be able to save it. Something about lifting the foundation...I don't know. I'm supposed to meet him at the house...in the morning. He's on some kind of secret duty...can't even use his own name. That's why the police couldn't check me out in Vegas. If I miss him? I'll be in a lot of trouble before I can prove anything. You know when a mortar shell hits a target, you don't have to look twice to know it. I guess falling in love's the same thing...you don't have to look twice. I guess I better get the car fixed."

Now that my friends...is a monologue...
7 years 8 months ago
locovoco's avatar


It's 'My Fair Lady: The Sequel'!

We now find that Eliza Doolittle (Christine Radcliffe-Bette Davis) has married Freddie Eynsford-Hill (Karel Novak-Paul Henried) much to the dismay of Henry Higgins (Alex Hollenius-Claude Rains)...and we also find that our naughty Professor Higgins has been teaching Eliza more than phonetics (music in this case), if you know what I mean!...thus they must hide their secret love affair from Freddie...and let the shenanigans begin....

I believe Claude Rains even references 'Pygmalion' once so I can't be too far off in my little supposition here...
7 years 9 months ago
locovoco's avatar


Did anyone else think that Richard Widmark (Comanche Todd) tried just a little too hard to act like and sound like John Wayne?....seems reasonable...
7 years 9 months ago
locovoco's avatar


To The Commenter MM,

So rarely can anyone take the words out of my mouth (and Lord knows I got a lot of them good and bad!) but brother (or sister) you nailed it! That was exactly what I was going to say...I only wish I could give you more than 1 upvote....
7 years 9 months ago
locovoco's avatar


And the award for best actress portraying an insane female in film noir goes to.....IDA LUPINO as Lana Carlsen in "They Drive By Night"...let us pause for a moment and hear Miss Lupino in her award-winning role: "The doors made me do it...yes it was the doors...AH HAH HAH HAH!"....I believe somewhere it was heard told that even Bette Davis and Joan Crawford paused for a moment from their respective whirlwind cocktail of psychoses and whispered to each other- 'That bitch is crazy'... but that's ok Collin Wilcox, your award for craziest female on a witness stand as Miss Mayella Violet Ewell in "To Kill A Mockingbird" is still intact- and that's all for today in the news of FILM NOIR- good black & white to all....
7 years 10 months ago
locovoco's avatar


If only Bryan Cranston could have popped on a fedora, called himself 'Heisenberg' and driven me right out of this movie to the nearest motorhome in the desert so I could do some meth to forget how much this movie DRIVEd me crazy....did I say I didn't like it?....yeah, pretty much...Breaking Bad is how modern neo-noir should be done...not this DRIVEL
8 years 1 month ago
locovoco's avatar


There is one great shot...it's only a brief moment...you might even miss it if you blink...spoiler
8 years 1 month ago
locovoco's avatar


Quite possibly the strangest movie I've ever seen, at least film noir anyway and I've seen a lot....where to start? Unnecessary dream sequence, swamp fever, lunches wrapped up like Christmas presents, a wife who sounds like an airline stewardess whose voice is trapped inside a speaker, terrible one-liners like 'we're almost brothers- our father is fear', and the strangest encounter I've ever seen in a graveyard with an old witch looking for a dead bird who used to be a person named Raoul...AND despite it all, I almost liked it because why? spoiler- I think the writers on this one just said f#$@%^& it!
8 years 1 month ago
locovoco's avatar


Kudos to the Volkswagen Beetle! Did you notice the black VW bug that stole his (The Strangler's) parking space and then the white VW bug that crashed into him which ultimately led to his capture and placement into the mental hospital? I don't know if the director did this intentionally for some kind of foreshadowing/metaphor effect or if it actually happened in reality but if the former, then bravo to the director for such attention to detail...

(did I just use bravo and kudos in the same comment? God, somebody smack me....)
8 years 1 month ago
locovoco's avatar


1966-Wendy Hiller (Alice More): "Take your muddy paws off me you filthy, stinking, gutter-fed turnkey"

1968-Charlton Heston (George Taylor): "Get your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape"

Hmmm....I think Charlton got some splainin' to do....methinks he stole a quote...and his quote got famous but I like hers better!
8 years 2 months ago
locovoco's avatar


This is NOT the autobiographical docudrama I was expecting about one of this generations' most maligned, often misunderstood, unduly criticized, and underrated directors- Mr. Oliver Stone! Imagine my surprise when I see little English boys singing and dancing to start the movie...and for a minute I actually thought maybe this was how he started out...then I got to thinking...boy was I surprised...but pleasantly so....maybe Oliver Stone could direct Oliver and throw in a conspiracy theory or two...like why were there no little girl pickpockets in Fagin's keep? Yet all the boys sounded like girls when they sang...huh?...I bet they were hiding them...Mr. Stone could find out....
8 years 2 months ago
locovoco's avatar


If movies had different speeds like phonograph records, then watching this movie would be like watching it at 78 RPM....
8 years 2 months ago
locovoco's avatar


My palms are sweaty,
This script needs a machete,
Felt like I got chased by Freddy,
Give me a laugh, maybe some Chappelle and Eddie,
And some fine looking women like Wilma and Betty,
Kim B. quit acting, retire already,
%&^$*(+qzx oh no my typing just got unsteady,
Just watch the movie, you might or might not regret it,
But 8 MIle ain't all that worthwhile....alright, yeah I said it
8 years 2 months ago
locovoco's avatar


Did you notice there was a whole lot of leaving and coming back? Perhaps, if they SHOWED us what the hell was happening when they left it might have made for a more exciting movie! spoiler- a hell of a lot of money was spent to make this look like a beautiful period piece-and it was beautiful (would love to see it on an IMAX screen) but c'mon-couldn't they spend a few extra bucks? I mean did they not see Lawrence of Arabia and maybe have a little inspiration? SHOW me the money!....wait, didn't somebody already say that?...oh well...
8 years 2 months ago
locovoco's avatar


8 years 2 months ago
locovoco's avatar


They're wrong! That jackass liniment does not cure everything! Why, I sent some to Donald Trump and he still decided to run for President!
8 years 2 months ago

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