Charts: Lists

This page shows you the list charts. By default, the movies are ordered by how many times they have been marked as a favorite. However, you can also sort by other information, such as the total number of times it has been marked as a dislike.

  1. Film Comment's Best Films of the Year (Readers' Poll)'s icon

    Film Comment's Best Films of the Year (Readers' Poll)

    Favs/dislikes: 3:0. Annual Top 20 Films Lists (since 2003).
  2. Sight & Sound's The Greatest Documentaries of All Time's icon

    Sight & Sound's The Greatest Documentaries of All Time

    Favs/dislikes: 125:0. In 2014, Sight & Sound polled 340 documentary critics, curators, academics and filmmakers asking for top 10 documentary lists. Over 1000 films got votes, from years as early as 1892 to as recent as 2013. This list is the combined critics and filmmakers list of all films that received 3 or more votes. You can find the films receiving just one or two votes: [url=]here[/url] [url=]Source[/url]
  3. Sight & Sound's The Greatest Films of All Time (Critics)'s icon

    Sight & Sound's The Greatest Films of All Time (Critics)

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. In 1952, the Sight and Sound team had the novel idea of asking critics to name the greatest films of all time. The tradition became decennial, increasing in size and prestige as the decades passed. The Sight and Sound poll is now a major bellwether of critical opinion on cinema and this year’s edition (its eighth) is the largest ever, with 1,639 participating critics, programmers, curators, archivists and academics each submitting their top ten ballot.
  4. AFI’s 100 Years of Film Scores: The Nominations's icon

    AFI’s 100 Years of Film Scores: The Nominations

    Favs/dislikes: 17:0. The American Film Institute’s original 2005 list of the 250 Film Scores nominated for AFI's 100 Years of Film Scores. Films released in 2002 and prior were eligible.
  5. Magnus Opus Catalogue's icon

    Magnus Opus Catalogue

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0. Brazilian DVD Distributor of art-house and classic movies
  6. Lume Filmes Catalogue's icon

    Lume Filmes Catalogue

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0. Brazilian DVD Distributor of art-house and classic movies
  7. Edition Filmmuseum's icon

    Edition Filmmuseum

    Favs/dislikes: 1:0. EDITION FILMMUSEUM is a joint project of film archives and cultural institutions in the german-speaking part of Europe. Its ambition is to publish film works of artistic, cultural and historical value in DVD editions that both utilise the possibilities of digital media and meet the quality demands of the archival profession. Missing from IMDB (sigh) Dokumentarisch Arbeiten 1 (Edition #17 - Entire Set missing) -Christoph Hübner im Gespräch mit Jürgen Böttcher 1990, 60' -Christoph Hübner im Gespräch mit Peter Nestler 1994, 63' -Christoph Hübner im Gespräch mit Volker Koepp 1995, 60' -Christoph Hübner im Gespräch mit Klaus Wildenhahn 1995, 62' Crazy Cinématographe. Europäisches Jahrmarktkino 1896-1916 (Edition #18) -The Adventures of "Wee Rob Roy" No. 1 GB 1916, 4' -Bain de pieds à la moutarde F 1902, 2' -Das malerische Luxemburg 1912, 6' -Übertragung der Gebeine des Hl. Willibrord 1906, 2' -Echternacher Springprozession 1906, 5' -Schlussprozession Octave 1911, 3' -Kavalkade 1905, 2' -Blumenkorso 1906 1906, 3' -Trauerzug für Großherzog Wilhelm IV 1912, 5' -Eidesleistung der Großherzogin Marie-Adelheid 1912, 5 -Marie-Adelheid im Kino 1912, 1' -Ein Besuch in der Champagnerfabrik Mercier 1907, 9' -Autofahrt durch Trier ca. 1903, 2' -Domausgang zu Trier 1904, 2' -Domausgang am Ostersonntag 1909, 3' -Fronleichnamsprozession in Trier 1909, 3' -Bilder aus Trier 1902-1909, 5' -Leben und Treiben auf dem Viehmarkt 1909, 2' -Blumenkorso 1914 1914, 3' -Straßenszenen in Saarbrücken ca. 1908, 5' Die Artisten in der Zirkuskuppel: ratlos & Die unbezähmbare Leni Peickert (#21) -5 Stunden Parsifal 1998, 1' -Die traurige Nachricht 2006, 1' Der große Verhau & Willi Tobler und der Untergang der 6. Flotte (#22) -Learning Processes With a Deadly Outcome 2006, 1' -Das gab's nur einmal 2006, 1' Deutschland im Herbst & Die Patriotin (#24) -Neonröhren am Himmel 1998, 1' -100 Jahren deutscher Rhein 1998, 1' Krieg und Frieden & Der Kandidat (#25) -So tückisch sind Friedensschlüsse 2006, 1' -Große Reiche muß man leiten wie man kleine Fischlein brät 1993, 15' -Sturm über Ägypten 2006, 1' Die Macht der Gefühle & Serpentine Gallery Program (#26) -Das tödliche Dreieck 2006, 1' Der Angriff der Gegenwart auf die übrige Zeit & Vermischte Nachrichten (#27) -Jedes Mal nach dem Untergang 2006, 1' Im Rausch der Arbeit & Abschied von der sicheren Seite des Lebens (#29 - Entire Set missing) -Im Rausch der Arbeit 1997, 15' -Clintons Chefökonom 2007, 24' -Postheroisches Management 1999, 24' -"Ab 50 Eisbein wird es schön!" 2007, 15' -Der Brückengeher 2007!", 24' -Frohe Ostern 1998, 24' -Lagergeld 1995, 10' -Projekt Belsazar 1999, 5' -Rette sich, wer kann 2003, 15' -Abschied von der sicheren Seite des Lebens 2002, 25' -"Der Wind, der reinigt das - -" 1993, 15' -Sowjetische Patrioten von 1941 1991, 15' -Achtung Totalverlust! 2001, 15' -"Die brennende Giraffe" 2007, 4' -Nur Dosen wurden gerettet 2003, 15' -Verstand, unterhalb des Verstandes 2008, 4' Liebe macht hellsichtig & Die siamesischen Hände (#30 - Entire Set missing) -Liebe im Raumanzug 2001, 12' -Der schönste Schatz der Evolution 2006, 24' -Liebe macht hellsichtig 2007, 26' -Tod der Lucrezia 1988, 24' -Der Todeskuß 2001, 15' -Schwarzmarkt der Liebe 2005, 25' -Fifi 2007, 2' -Mega-Stars der Liebeskunst 2007, 24' -Für jede Träne einen Blutstropfen! 2004, 19' -Ich komme jeden Morgen zum Sex 1998,14' -Liebe als Passion 1995, 15' -Die siamesischen Hände 2007, 7' -"Liebesschmerz wie stumme Fische" 2001, 4' -Begehren, das die Welt regiert 1998, 14' -Herzkönigin am jüngsten Tag 1995, 23' -Meine Liebe ist tiefer als das Meer 2001, 15' Krieg ist das Ende aller Pläne & Woher wir kommen, wohin wir gehen (#31 - Entire Set missing) -August 1914 2000, 15' -Krieg ist das Ende aller Pläne 2007, 24' -Als Kriegsrichter im November 1918 2005, 15' -Ich knipse für meinen Verlobten 1999, 15' -Zootiere im Bombenkrieg 1995, 16' -Darwin und die Panzerwaffe 1990, 14' -Was ist Krieg? 2002, 24' -Frauen als Kriegerinnen 2005, 11' -Die Sahara wurde Sumpfgebiet 2000, 15' -Von Ur-Ozean und Snowball-Earth 2006, 15' -Zauberwelt der Evolution 2007, 24' -Erst die Musik, dann die Worte 2003, 15' -Vom Lachen und dem aufrechten Gang 2006, 12' -Das flexible Gedächtnis 2006, 20' -Evolution im Universum 2008, 29' Das Kraftwerk der Gefühle & Finsterlinge singen Baß (#33) -Richard Wagner und das Ruinengesetz in der Musik 1990-2007, 50' -"80.000 Opern!" 1994-2006, 33' -"Wovon nicht sprechen kann, davon muss man singen" 1998-2006, 12' -Der Opern-Arzt 2007, 24' -Sopran gegen Bass 1992-2006, 47' -Finsterlinge singen Bass 2002, 24' -Die Stumme von Portici 1998, 14' -Tanz auf dem Vulkan 2001, 10' -Die Sintflut 1999, 8' Thomas Harlan - Wandersplitter (#35) -Die Organigramme 2007, 4' -Am Ararat 2007, 14' Lutz Dammbeck: Filme und Mediencollagen 1975-1986 (#38) -Gespräch mit Lutz Dammbeck - Teil 1&2, 2008, 43' Nerven (#41) -Bilder von der Volksbewegung in München 1919, 3' -München im Zeichen der Räterepublik 1919, 11' Journey to Justice (#42) -Munich, Capital of Bavaria 1947, 37' München 1945 & Zwischen gestern und morgen (#45) -Fronleichnam 3. Juni 1945 München 1945, 9' -Welt im Film: Filmstart in Geiselgasteig 1947, 3' Der Bettler vom Kölner Dom (#52) -Wohnkultur, wie sie war, wie sie ist, wie sie sein soll! 1928, 15'
  8. New Yorker Films's icon

    New Yorker Films

    Favs/dislikes: 8:0. New Yorker Films has been distributing foreign and art house films for nearly 50 years. This is their catalog of DVD releases.
  9. A Guide to Latin American, Caribbean, and U.S. Latino-Made Film and Video's icon

    A Guide to Latin American, Caribbean, and U.S. Latino-Made Film and Video

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. For decades, Latin American independent and national film and video makers have been creating innovative and authentic works about their own realities. Yet most of this work is never seen in the United States. This unique guide helps U.S. educators and media users locate more than four hundred films and videos made by Latin American and U.S. Latino film/video makers that are available in the United States and provides descriptions of each. Films and videos in the guide vary in genre from classic feature films to independent and community-produced documentaries, short fiction, and experimental video art. Of particular interest is a more recent body of video work produced by indigenous film/video makers. Edited by Karen Ranucci and Julie Feldman of the International Media Resource Exchange Scarecrow Press, 1998 ISBN 0-8108-3285-2 Argentina (1-15) Bolivia (16-18) Brazil (19-52) Chile (53-62) Columbia (63-68) Costa Rica (69) Cuba (70-114) Dominican Republic (115) Ecuador (116-118) El Salvador Guatemala (119-122) Guyana Haiti (123-124) Honduras Latin America (125-129) Mexico (130-168) Netherland Antilles Nicaragua (169) Panama (170) Peru (171-177) Puerto Rico (178-181) US (182-193) Uruguay (194-197) Venezuela (198-218) Missing from IMDB Bolivia: Fatal, Fatal, Mirada / Fatal, Fatal Look (1990) Sara Fried Yo No Soy Una Cualquiera / I Am Not a Common Woman (1989) Maria Cristina Civale Bolivia Desconocida: Lago Titicaca (1990) Ariel Perez, Francisco Ormaches Bolivia Desconocida: Tiwanaku (1989) Ariel Perez, Francisco Ormaches Camino de las Almas / Path of the Souls (1989) Eduardo Lopez and Cristina Bubba Z. Los Jallq'a: Identidad y Tejido / The Jailq'a: Identity and Textiles (1987) Francisco Cajias Brazil: Alafin Oyó / TV Viva-Centro Luiz Freire (1989) Além do Trabalhador, Negro (1989) Daniel Brazil Alinhavando Uma Vida Melhor - TV Maxambomba Alô São Paulo (1990) Paolo Baroukh Alto aos Incêndios Florestais / Halting the Fires (1990) Octavio Bezerra Arapuã: Azucrinando nas Escolas (1992) TV Viva-Centro Luiz Freire Axé de Fala / Talking Strong Vibes (1991) TV Viva-Centro Luiz Freire Bairro do Recife: A Dança da Vida (1989) TV Viva-Centro Luiz Freire Balbina: O Marco da Destruição / Balbina: Mark of Destruction (1990) Luis Fernando Santoro Benedita da Silva (1991) Eunice Gutman Bola na Trave (1990) TV Viva-Centro Luiz Freire Camisinha / The Condom (1986) Angela Freitas A Classe Que Sobra (1985) Peter Overbeck Clips of Lula's Presidential Campaign (1989) Luiz Fernando Santoro Construção da Escrita - Taunay M. Daniel A Cor do Sexo (1989) Sergio Melgaco Cordel (1983) Daniel Alves Crisis in Brazil: A Conversation With Andrea Tonacci (1992) Don Lynn and Catherine Benamou Crisis in Brazil: A Conversation With Nilson Araújo (1992) Don Lynn and Catherine Benamou Esquinas da Vida / Corners of Life TV Viva-Centro Luiz Freire Favelas / Slums (1989) Chico Teixeira A Festa da Moça / The Girl's Party (1987) Vincent Carrelli Fruto da Aliança dos Povos da Floresta (1990) Sia Runikue A Fundação do Brasil / The Founding of Brazil (1980) Mo Toledo Garotos do Futuro / Kids of the Future (1988) TV Viva-Centro Luiz Freire Há Lugar / There's Room (1987) Julio Wainer and Juraci de Souza João do Pife (1989) TV Viva-Centro Luiz Freire O Jogo da Dívida: Quem Deve a Quem? / The Debt Game: Who Owns Whom? (1991) Eduardo Coutinho Memória de Mulheres (1991) Maria A. Lemos and Marcia Meireles Mulher Índia (1985) Elaine Bandeira Mulheres Negras / Black Women of Brazil (1986) Silvana Afran Mulheres no Canavial (1986) Jacira Melo, Silvana Afram, Marcia Meirelles Nascimento do Passo (1987) TV Viva-Centro Luiz Freire Oswald: Um Homem Sem Profissão (1990) Marcia Meireles P'Tamuna / P'Tamuna, Son of the Earth (1990) Paulo Baroukh Para Onde? / Where to Now? (1991) Pemp (1988) Vincent Carelli O Povo do Veneno / The Poison People (1991) Julio Azcarate Reportagem Sobre TV Viva / Report About TV Viva (1990) Rito e Expressão / Rite and Expression (19884) Eder Santos A Sangue Frio / In Cold Blood (1989) TV Viva-Centro Luiz Freire Saúva dos Bonecos (1989) TV Viva-Centro Luiz Freire Seca / Drought (1991) TV Viva-Centro Luiz Freire Story of Fausta (1988) Bruno Barreto Taking Aim (1993) Monica Frota Todos os Dias São Seus (1991) Marcia Meireles and Maria A. Lemos Txai Macedo / 1992 Marcia Machado Update Brazil (1986) Nancy Marcotte and Colette Loumede Varela em Xingu / Varela in Xingu (1985) Olhar Electrônico / Marcelo Tas
  10. Five Star Ratings in "Lexikon des Internationalen Films"'s icon

    Five Star Ratings in "Lexikon des Internationalen Films"

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. Films and TV-Series that received a Five Star Rating by Lexikon des Internationalen Films. *Missing: "Film der Antworten" (art installation)
  11. FEMIS - Les 208 Films qu'il faut avoir vu's icon

    FEMIS - Les 208 Films qu'il faut avoir vu

    Favs/dislikes: 13:0. Cette liste n’est pas un palmarès, ni en aucun cas la liste des 208 meilleurs films de l’histoire du cinéma. Sa visée est tout autre. 208 films, c’est 1 film par semaine pendant 4 ans, c’est-à-dire un rythme de croisière tout à fait raisonnable pour un élève de la Femis, qui a choisi de faire du cinéma son métier. Nul ne saurait évidemment s’en contenter. Quel est le sens d’une telle liste ? Un jeune homme ou une jeune femme qui aurait vu (vraiment vu, c’est-à-dire médité, discuté, car voir sans laisser résonner ce que l’on a vu n’est pas voir) ces 208 films aurait une solide idée de ce qui l’a précédé dans le cinéma depuis que celui-ci existe. Cette liste nous semble dessiner une carte des œuvres et des cinéastes indispensables à qui veut se repérer dans un univers où il se prépare à entrer. La visée de cette liste est moins d’histoire (au sens propre du terme) que de culture cinématographique. Aucun peintre ne peut faire l’économie des grandes œuvres qui l’ont précédé. Il en va de même au cinéma : il importe au plus haut point de connaître ce dont le cinéma a été capable avant son propre engagement, de quelque ordre qu’il soit, dans cet art. La cinéphilie a toujours eu partie liée avec un goût pour la liste en tant qu’elle est provisoirement close et exclusive, donc objet possible de discussions passionnées. Toute liste est par définition contestable. Celle-ci a été élaborée en concertation avec les directeurs de département de l’école, la directrice des études, son directeur et son président. Chacun pourra néanmoins s’étonner ou s’indigner de tel ou tel manque, de tel ou tel choix. C’est aussi l’intérêt d’une telle liste de pousser chacun à comparer avec SA liste idéale, à chercher les absences à ses yeux scandaleuses. Cela permet de faire le point sur sa propre planète de cinéma imaginaire, de mieux cerner la cartographie de son goût propre. Cette liste assume sereinement les distorsions perspectives issues du fait qu’elle est établie à un moment donné (2008), en un point donné (La France), pour des destinataires précis (les élèves de la FEMIS), avec une part normale de subjectivité. Personne ne vient du ciel d’une Histoire du cinéma aux valeurs immanentes. Elle a été établie avec beaucoup de scrupules, doutes, repentirs, à partir de celles que nous ont été communiquées au moment de son élaboration, mais toujours en gardant en tête son objectif d’auto-culture pour des jeunes gens qui se destinent à la création cinématographique, à quelque poste que ce soit. Il ne s’agit en aucun cas des films les plus aboutis de chaque cinéaste. Le choix s’est plutôt porté sur les films où le cinéaste affichait sa plus grande singularité, où était le plus sensible sa musique personnelle, ou encore le film où il venait de découvrir sa place dans le cinéma et son possible apport personnel. Il est toujours plus intéressant pour un apprenti d’observer le moment où un cinéaste s’est trouvé plutôt que celui où il a commencé à maîtriser calmement ce qu’il avait trouvé. Le choix s’est toujours porté sur ce qui nous a semblé être les films les plus profitables à un apprenti en cinéma d’aujourd’hui. Choisir un film de Jean Renoir, de Fritz Lang, d’Orson Welles ou de Godard est aussi absurde que choisir un tableau de Picasso dans un siècle de peinture, surtout pour les cinéastes qui ont traversé des périodes radicalement différentes du cinéma, par exemple du muet au parlant pour Buñuel ou du cinéma européen au cinéma américain pour Lang. Il va de soi que le film choisi vaut comme simple indication emblématique, et que l’on ne saurait se contenter, pour les grands cinéastes, de voir un seul de leurs films. Le cinéma français a la part belle dans cette liste puisqu’après tout c’est dans cette généalogie que la plupart des élèves de la FEMIS, quel que soit leur département, vont avoir à trouver leur place et inscrire leur travail. Le cinéma des trente dernières années y occupe une place de choix dans la mesure où il est le plus prégnant dans la constitution d’une pensée actuelle du cinéma. Il y a des films qui aident à vivre (ceux-là, rares, on les trouve tout seul) et les films qui aident à créer (ceux-là répondent à d’autres critères, et on ne les croise par toujours au bon moment, quand on en aurait besoin). Les avoir repérés avant peut être d’un grand recours. Voir de tels films, quand on s’apprête à travailler dans le cinéma, déclenche des idées, des réflexions, des comparaisons, des envies, des pulsions et répulsions de cinéma. Rien n’est plus volatile que ces idées de traverse. C’est aussi une fonction de cette liste : susciter l’envie de noter à chaud et pour soi, sur chaque film vu, ces idées de traverse. Nul doute que ces notes d’apprenti sur les œuvres du passé ne deviennent à la longue un outil précieux de repérage de soi, de ses goûts et dégoûts, des grandes lignes de force de son idée de cinéma. Et il n’y a pas de bon cinéma, pour quiconque y travaille, sans une idée forte du cinéma. Alain Bergala (2008)
  12. New Yorker Films's icon

    New Yorker Films

    Favs/dislikes: 7:1. "For over forty-five years, New Yorker Films has been America's leading source for the films that matter on the cutting edge of world cinema."
  13. Pessimism reddit watching list's icon

    Pessimism reddit watching list

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. also check out their reading list more pessimist films:
  14. CultClassic Catalogue's icon

    CultClassic Catalogue

    Favs/dislikes: 4:1. Brazilian DVD distributor of classic films
  15. Versátil Home Video Catalogue's icon

    Versátil Home Video Catalogue

    Favs/dislikes: 5:0. Brazilian DVD/Blu-Ray Distributor of art-house and classic movies and mini-series
  16. BFI Flipside (Features + Bonus Films - Complete)'s icon

    BFI Flipside (Features + Bonus Films - Complete)

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. The BFI Flipside charts "the untold history of British film" through home video releases which are supplemented with additional curated films and supplements. Note: I am choosing to exclude "making of" documentaries or other "extras" content. If its a short film about hammers, then sure its fine, but if it's a documentary about the director, then its a pass. Missing from IMDB: From Stranger in the House (#37): Charlie Chaplin Sails From Southampton (1921) From Legend of the Witches (#39) Out of Step: Witchcraft (1957) From I Start Counting! (#42) New Town from Old (1959) From The Ballad of Tam Lin (#45) Red Red? Red (1971) From Remembrance (#48) Raleigh: The First Few Weeks (1986) Royal Navy Amazon (1980)
  17. The Criterion Collection's Eclipse Series's icon

    The Criterion Collection's Eclipse Series

    Favs/dislikes: 132:2. Eclipse from the Criterion Collection is a brand for a line of DVD film series released by the Criterion Collection. It debuted on March 27, 2007. The brand was created to produce budget-priced, high-quality DVD editions of hard-to-find films. The DVDs are released in boxed sets that typically contain between two to seven films across and focus on a specific film director. Future sets will also focus on themes. Typically, they are released monthly. In order to keep prices low, the films do not receive the same degree of remastering nor any of the special features that have became associated with Criterion Collection titles. [url=]Source[/url]
  18. AFI Top 180 Musical Nominations's icon

    AFI Top 180 Musical Nominations

    Favs/dislikes: 27:0.
  19. Archive außer sich's icon

    Archive außer sich

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. The four-year project of the Arsenal – Institute for Film and Video Art is a series of interdisciplinary research, presentation, and exhibition projects dealing with film cultural heritage and its archives. What is cultural heritage, what communities and narratives, what addressees and mediation formats can be derived from it and how durable are they? Or: what still unknown archives can the present produce? The basis of this is formed by the idea of the Living Archive: research, digitization, and/or restoration of archival holdings are part of an artistic and curatorial practice of the present understood as participation. The archive is a site of production. Out of the diversity of the starting materials–complete films, films that are damaged or can no longer be reconstructed, ephemeral films, working materials, marginal notes, and objects–as well as the specific localities of the partners–archives, cinemas, festivals, art spaces, universities, public television stations, databanks, a former crematorium–arises a question: What is a film archive today? What claims does the public make on archives and what present and future can be proposed, even speculatively, from archival constellations and new forms of navigation? The archives involved become laboratories for critically reflecting on the category of film heritage, but also “heritage” in general, for instance in relation to colonial or migration history or to the history of political and aesthetic movements. Alongside its value for film history and theory, the project will also contribute to developing new perspectives on the politics of film culture. The term film heritage will be positioned in relation to other classification categories such as “transnational cinema” or “world cinema.” From political, aesthetic, or even chance connections, elective affinities will emerge from the present, contributing to devising new concepts of temporality. Participating institutions: International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, Film Feld Forschung gGmbH, Harun Farocki Institut, SAVVY Contemporary, pong film GmbH and the masters program “Film Culture: Archiving, Programming, Presentation” at the Goethe University Frankfurt. “Archive außer sich” is a project of Arsenal – Institute for Film and Video Art, in the frame of the cooperation “The Whole Life: An Archive Project” together with Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Pina Bausch Foundation and Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden. It is part of HKW’s project “The New Alphabet,” supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media due to a ruling of the German Bundestag.
  20. Korean Film Archive movies on Youtube's icon

    Korean Film Archive movies on Youtube

    Favs/dislikes: 39:0. This list contains the movies that are available on the Korean Film Archives' official Youtube channel (click the "source" link at the bottom of this page). The following movies are apparently not on IMDb: "King Gojong and martyr An Jung-Geun" (Jeon Chang-Keun, 1959) "My Sister Is A Tomboy" (Han Hyeong-mo, 1961) and "The Love Story of Chun-Hyang" (Hong Seong-ki, 1961) (not to be confused with "Chun-Hyang" (Sang-ok Shin, 1961) which is an official check here on iCM) "The Night before Independence Day" (Doglibjeon-ya) (Choi In-Kyu, 1948) "Let's Meet At Walkerhill" (Wokeohileseu Mannapsida) (Han Hyeong-Mo, 1966) Thanks to rilianx for updating the list!
  21. Second Run's icon

    Second Run

    Favs/dislikes: 36:0. Second Run are a UK-based DVD company specialising in the release of important and award-winning films from all around the world. Each Second Run film is our personal selection reflecting significant films which we have seen and love and care about, and which we believe should be seen by others for their quality and importance. (Updated with most recent releases: 12/2/2017)
  22. Cinemateca Portuguesa's Top 100 European Films's icon

    Cinemateca Portuguesa's Top 100 European Films

    Favs/dislikes: 33:0. The results of a 1994 poll of dozens of distinguished film critics and historians, who each picked their top 100 European films. Part of the book "100 dias 100 filmes". We present here an extended version of that top 100, with all film selected by more than 10 voters. Among the responses Cinemateca received, we can find those of Anti Alanen (Helsinki), João Bénard da Costa (Lisboa), Paolo Bertetto (Torino), Freddy Buache (Lausanne), André Chevallier (Lausanne), José Manuel Costa (Lisboa), Robert Daudelin (Montréal), Catherine Gautier (Madrid), Chris Horak (Rochester), Mathias Knop (Wiesbaden), Alain Marchand (Paris), Bernard Martinand (Paris), David Meeker (London), Ib Monty (Kobenhavn), Anne Morra (New York, MOMA), Dominique Païni (Paris), Enno Patalas (Munchen), José Maria Prado (Madrid) and Sergio Toffetti (Torino).
  23. Harvard University's Suggested Film Viewing List: Hollywood Genres (2012)'s icon

    Harvard University's Suggested Film Viewing List: Hollywood Genres (2012)

    Favs/dislikes: 69:0. This list is "an educational resource that offers guidance and encouragement as students seek to find points of orientation within the vast history of film and video." It is not a list of the best films of all time. Rather, it reflects a variety of criteria. The list is divided into 5 sections: I. [url=]Narrative Films[/url] [url=]Hollywood Genres (with an emphasis on the classical studio era)[/url] II. [url=]Non-Fiction Films[/url] III. [url=]Animated Films[/url] IV. [url=]Experimental/Avant-garde/Underground Films[/url] V. [url=]Single-channel Video[/url] The "Hollywood Genres" section is divided into subsections: 1-12: Comedies 13-25: Epics 26-41: Film Noir 42-55: Gangster Films 56-70: Historical and War Films 71-86: Horror Films 87-101: Melodramas 102-115: Musicals 116-127: Science Fiction Films 128-143: Westerns 144-159: Independent Cinema
  24. International Federation of Film Archives's Centenary List's icon

    International Federation of Film Archives's Centenary List

    Favs/dislikes: 13:0. "FIAF, the International Federation of Film Archives, brings together the world's leading institutions in the field of moving picture heritage. Its affiliates are the defenders of the Twentieth Century's own art form. They are dedicated to the rescue, collection, preservation and screening of moving images, which are valued both as works of art and culture and as historical documents."
  25. 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die On Hulu Plus's icon

    1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die On Hulu Plus

    Favs/dislikes: 8:0. **UPDATED 3/2/2014** All movies from the '1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die' list that are available for streaming on Hulu Plus.
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Showing items 51 – 75 of 232