Charts: Lists

This page shows you the list charts. By default, the movies are ordered by how many times they have been marked as a favorite. However, you can also sort by other information, such as the total number of times it has been marked as a dislike.


  1. CineMassacre's Monster Madness's icon

    CineMassacre's Monster Madness

    Favs/dislikes: 51:0. This is a list of all movies mentioned and reviewed in the Monster Madness series from
  2. Classic Universal Monster's icon

    Classic Universal Monster

    Favs/dislikes: 47:1. Classic Universal Monster/Horror/Sci-fi/Thriller from 20s-60s
  3. Gothic: The Dark Heart of Film's icon

    Gothic: The Dark Heart of Film

    Favs/dislikes: 26:0. In October 2013, the British Film Institute unveiled an exhibition chronicling the history of dark and macabre films. In an ambitious project, the BFI unveiled a collection of a large number of films spanning four categories, bringing these films to British cinemas over a four month period. Films are arranged chronologically by theme. The Four Parts: - Monstrous (1-26) - The Dark Arts (27-48) - Haunted (49-71) - Love is a Devil (72-99) Although this exhibition includes a large number of plays, professional talks, documentaries, television series' and shorts, this list contains only the feature films presented in the exhibition.
  4. List of Monster Films's icon

    List of Monster Films

    Favs/dislikes: 23:0. A list of films which include monsters as the main plot, these films include such creatures as extraterrestrial aliens, giant animals, Kaiju (the Japanese counterpart of giant animals, but they can also be machines and plants), mutants, supernatural creatures, or creatures from folklore, such as Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster. These movies usually fall into the science fiction, fantasy and/or horror genres. May not include all films which feature monsters as some are lost or just to obscure to be known. Listed in alphabetical order.
  5. Natural Horror & Related Movies's icon

    Natural Horror & Related Movies

    Favs/dislikes: 16:0. Natural horror is a sub-genre of horror films featuring nature running amok in the form of mutated beasts, carnivorous insects, and normally harmless animals or plants turned into cold-blooded killers. Many movies on this list are only loosely related to the genre of Natural Horror. Not only does it include various “animal-movies” in the genres of thriller, drama and comedy, but it is also built around rather loose definitions of exactly what “animals” is, hence the inclusion of various types of monsters, cryptids, plants, dinosaur and other creatures. And as always with these kinds of list: suggestions of movies that should be added or removed are always welcome.
  6. Tiny Monster Related Horror Movies's icon

    Tiny Monster Related Horror Movies

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0. Only tiny fantasy creatures. Movies with real animals (like insects, rats etc.) and dwarf-sized monsters (like Troll) are excluded.
  7. Godzilla Showa Universe's icon

    Godzilla Showa Universe

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  8. Golden Age of Horror's icon

    Golden Age of Horror

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. Universal Studios Golden Age of Horror films (1940s)
  9. My Top 10 Anime List!'s icon

    My Top 10 Anime List!

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. 10: Shokugeki No Souma 9: Psycho Pass 8: Kill La Kill 7: Zankyou No Terror 6: Full Metal Alchemist - Brotherhood 5: Attack on Titan 4: No Game No Life 3: Sword Art Online 2: Code Geass 1: Akame Ga Kill!
  10. Son of Shock's icon

    Son of Shock

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. These are the films that comprised the Son of Shock film package that was sold to television stations across the United States in 1958. This package contained 20 films from Universal and Columbia Pictures.
  11. Universal Shock Theater's icon

    Universal Shock Theater

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. These are the 52 Universal films that Screen Gems sold as the "Shock Theater" film package to local stations across the United States in 1957. The package was a ratings hit, and sparked a revival of interest in the classic horror movies and monsters. The Shock package omitted many well known horror films (like Bride of Frankenstein), but did include many non-horror thrillers and melodramas.
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