TSPDT's 1,000 Greatest Films's comments - page 6

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Comments 76 - 90 of 170

bal3x's avatar


Hi jimbo, long time no hear! :D
If this is not the best and most comprehensive list out there can you point us all to a better (non Western-Empire controlled) list?
12 years 6 months ago
Dimitris Psachos Springer's avatar

Dimitris Psachos Springer

"Artsy or not, this is the best list out there. Period."

No, it isn't. As open-minded as it is, it's still focused on certain countries and regions whereas it should be more about the history of Cinema and LESS about the history of particular, critically acclaimed films. Even variety can be conservative at times, when certain people CONTROL it.
12 years 6 months ago
bal3x's avatar


Artsy or not, this is the best list out there. Period.

I just hope these films make the list (or get back into it) during future updates:

Human Condition
The Shop on Main Street
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
When a Woman Ascends the Stairs
Ballad of a Soldier
The Ascent
The Ox-Bow Incident
Knife in the Water
The Browning Version
Du rififi chez les hommes
The Vanishing

If these are included it's basically a perfect comprehensive list as far as I am concerned :)
12 years 7 months ago
Wise Jake's avatar

Wise Jake

Well, 'artsy' doesn't really mean anything though. This isn't a list of "art films", unless you think either all films are art on some level, or that any films that's not a blockbuster is an art film. Either way, The Dark Knight is on this list, along with other blockbusters - as I'm sure has been pointed out previously. I'm not saying there are no "art films" on the list either, but I just don't think 'artsy' is an accurate word to describe this list or any list.

I would consider this list 'entertaining'. It is for me, at least. Entertaining for me, being that the film entertains my interests and is enjoyable as well. I am not a fan of any movie I don't enjoy on some level.

But my point still remains, restated: If you're only interested in the so-called 'popcorn' factor, just go rent an action or comedy film from the new releases at Blockbuster. I don't look down upon people who want to do that at all. But if those are your interests, then why criticize this list for being too 'artsy', when it's made with cinephiles looking to broaden their cinematic horizons in mind.
12 years 7 months ago
Wise Jake's avatar

Wise Jake

'Artsy' is a stupid word. It's used by people afraid to expand their tastes beyond their comfort zone. This list is for cinephiles. I still think this list is pretty much as close to definitive as anyone is going to get, but at the least, it has some movies you should see if you're passionate about film. If you're not passionate about film, what are you complaining about and critiquing?

Ibetolis described this list perfectly. Well done.
12 years 8 months ago
Ibetolis's avatar


This list is simply about exploring movies, any film fan worth his/her salt will see it for what it is; the greatest playground any inspiriing film nut could dare imagine.

In the past couple of weeks I have delved into the worlds of Anthony Mann, Satyajit Ray, Joseph Losey, Fritz Lang, Arthur Penn, Jean-Pierre Melville and Ingmar Bergman. Thanks solely to this almighty list I can learn about movies and from there move on and discover my very own film canon.

Nothing artsy about that, it's all generated from pure love.
12 years 9 months ago
Brantastic16's avatar


This list isn't overly artsy. For example, Ferris Bueller's Day Off and Back to the Future are higher on this list than 12 Angry Men. The Big Lebowski is the highest film from 1998 and Fight Club is the highest film from 1999. Sure, it's filled with a lot of foreign films, but subtitles don't make it artsy. I'd say it's geared towards older films, ranked according to quality, rather than popularity (which is how the AFI seems to rank their lists). That's not to say that this list doesn't have its fair share of problems. I mean, how can they exclude Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf, The Pianist, Swing Time, Airplane, Mutiny On the Bounty, The Ox-Bow Incident, etc?
12 years 9 months ago
JirinPanthosa's avatar


I look at it this way. There are lots of lists out there that cover all the fun crowd-pleasers. IMDB, RYM, etc. So shouldn't there also be lists that focus more on serious art-films?
12 years 10 months ago
Local Hero -- aka MestnyiGeroi's avatar

Local Hero -- aka MestnyiGeroi

"The list is too slanted towards 'serious classics' - a 'serious film fan' should have more diverse tastes than that." I see what you're saying, but this list is not an attempt to create an interesting, eclectic list of personal favorites (like Rosenbaum's); this is a list of the _best of the best_ in terms of _critical acclaim_. Essentially, it is the canon. As with any canon, it's a starting place, the foundation-- not the be-all-and-end-all statement about what one should or should not see (or like).
12 years 10 months ago
MrCarmady's avatar


It's fixed now, cool.
12 years 11 months ago
MrCarmady's avatar


"To my mind, this list is the true litmus test of a serious film fan-- more so than anything else on this site. Those folks with close to or more than 900 checks can rightly consider themselves cinematic badasses. Go ahead, strut around a little." The list is too slanted towards 'serious classics' - a 'serious film fan' should have more diverse tastes than that.
12 years 11 months ago
Scottathon's avatar


I think that the attempted completion of Jonathan Rosenbaum's list is more cinephilic, because not only do you need to see those 1,000 films, but you also need to see a lot of these more canonical titles for any sense of context.
12 years 11 months ago
Local Hero -- aka MestnyiGeroi's avatar

Local Hero -- aka MestnyiGeroi

To my mind, this list is the true litmus test of a serious film fan-- more so than anything else on this site. Those folks with close to or more than 900 checks can rightly consider themselves cinematic badasses. Go ahead, strut around a little.
12 years 11 months ago
MrCarmady's avatar


It's not fixed :|
12 years 11 months ago
johnnyg's avatar


Fixed! Finally...
13 years ago

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