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Comments 1 - 6 of 6

Vesohag's avatar


II think the other people that commented here has to give a second try to this one. I did, the other night. And I rememered that it looked a little fine but not great. just rewatching the film, the stories, animation, music... it's pretty incredible. It has a lot of moments and character's development that Nolan, most of the time, coudn't get anymore after Batman Begins. Really good stories, most of them.
10 years 8 months ago
turhank's avatar


Definitely an omnibus of character! Still, some dull moments, but the good moments are more often.
11 years 2 months ago
dombrewer's avatar


Having missed this on the original release I was interested to catch this prior to seeing the last in Nolan's trilogy. As Lang Welles said - very much a hit and miss affair, although contrary to his opinion I thought the first of the six was probably the best, stylistically and in the script. The tales are all vaguely interlinked to a larger and not particularly interesting narrative but there are some nice distractions from rogues gallery alumni Scarecrow, Killer Croc and Deadshot. All in all very average, but with some good moments.
11 years 9 months ago
mook's avatar


Six stylised interlinked animated shorts set between 'Batman Begins' & 'The Dark Knight'. An ok stopgap. 6/10.

Follow me on Twitter @LastFilmSeen
11 years 9 months ago
Lang Welles's avatar

Lang Welles

Hit and miss animation, the first one being rather dull. But more than made up for by the other vingettes which contain great action and surprisingly meaningful plotlines considering the length of time for each segment.

Worth a watch for batman fans
12 years 6 months ago
Joker of Gotham's avatar

Joker of Gotham

Deadshot is my favourite one of the six stories.
9 years 11 months ago
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