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dpanter's avatar


Loved the first movie, liked the idea of the honor system, but this sequel was so terrible I think it gave me cancer.

Reasons to avoid:
* Terrible script is terrible.
* The "actors" can't act for shit. Only John Billingsley gets a thumbs up and he's in it for maybe 5 minutes.
* The completely unmotivated zealotry which propels the apparently well educated, critically thinking students into relentlessly stalking their favorite teacher. DUDE IT GETS WORSE (read the comment about the script again)
* The incessant and ridiculous Christianity spiel where the whole movie derails completely.
* That ending. /vomit

As much as I love the original, I have nothing but contempt for this atrocity. No money for you, honor-shamers.
Not recommended! /cry
6 years 4 months ago
badblokebob's avatar


Disappointing. I actually think it has some very good ideas that could've made for a worthy continuation of the original, but it wastes too much time on the gang of students finding out what we already know. And then it has the audacity to not even end properly (the legacy of its conception as a pilot for a TV series, I presume).
6 years 5 months ago
jacktrewin's avatar


too much a mystery film, lacking in the focus on the prehistoric age. strange devolution from the first film which i've enjoyed several times and would work well as a stage play. this has none of that engaging writing and some quite poor turns of narrative.
6 years 1 month ago
selcukgucer's avatar


go take a huge dump; watch it for more than an hour..
better than this shit...
6 years 5 months ago
der Zorn Gottes's avatar

der Zorn Gottes

What a massive piece of shit. The original was no masterpiece either, but at least it had some character and intrigue to it. This is just a generic high-school drama, where most of the characters don't act like human beings. Also, features the most ridiculous sequel bate ending I've ever seen.

And how dare you patronize me with your 'code of honor'-nonsense Mr. Schenkman. Kys.
6 years 5 months ago
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